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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Default does alum tarnish actually damage carbon steel

    I have seen a few threads recently that talk about alum tarnishing steel, what I want to know is whether that tarnish is harmful or not. If its just discolouration then it wouldnt worry me, but if its going to rot a blade then I would be concerned.

    It isn't a problem for me at the moment, but as I use alum for grip, at some point it probably will become one.

    Thanks for your time.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I know for a fact it will tarnish a carbon steel blade,I posted a pic showing the effect after 15 mins.Will that tarnish progress to pitting? have no clue.
    I do not understand why one would use alum for grip.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Alum on the fingers of your non razor hand helps to grip onto wet skin when stretching. I saw the pic you posted pixel, that was one of at least two threads talking about alum tarnish. I thought a thread in this forum might yeild a categorical answer as the metalists who hang around here will hopefully read the post and respond.

    Its the no idea part of your post that I hope to clarify.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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