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  1. #11
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trickrais View Post
    Thinking this was relatively harmless and worth a shot, I tried it out...but as soon as I applied the steel cleaner it gave the carbon steel blade a gross yellow tint to it, and what blows my mind is that the razor went from being fairly sharp (passed the nail test and cut through paper with ease) to getting caught in my nail and not cutting even one hair with a fair amount of pressure.
    Pat, I read your post and just sat here at the keyboard shaking my head is wonder

    That had to be the worst advice for cleaning I have seen written about SR's ever

    TNT = "The Nail test is NOT a test for sharpness by a user it is for a Honer to use at very low stages of bevel setting
    Cutting paper ???? Really Really Really bad

    You have a ton of reading to do here on SRP

    Clean it get it honed and while it is away being fixed study the beginner articles they really do help..

    "Cutting Paper" Just the thought of that on a good edge made my teeth hurt like fingernails on a chalkboard...

  2. #12
    Poor Fit
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    Umm ya. The "paper test", paper is made from...yep, wood...paper is the worst thing to test the sharpness of any object even scissors. There's a reason a hairdresser gasps if their scissors were ever used on paper. As Glen has said do some reading here on SRP and get a grasp on the techniques and tests used to get yourself on the right track.

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