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Thread: Rust/ rust holes restoration

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy Rust/ rust holes restoration

    Hi All!

    I am a beginner in the field. Bought a DOVO ASTRALE, and was having nice shaves with it, but I got the bad habit of keeping it inside the case it came. Bad Idea! The case held humidity and it started a little rust on the edge of the blade!

    I went to a specialized shop,the guy sold me some PUMA METAL POLISH paste to polish it. It removed the rusty brown stains, but some very tiny rust holes are still there.

    Here s a picture:
    Name:  DSC05079.jpg
Views: 242
Size:  19.3 KB

    I have stropped it again to refine the cutting edge, and did well with the extremities of the blade, but the center part where rust predominated is giving me a hard has no fine cut at all anymore.

    I wonder if this is because of:
    1. Bad stropping (I am a beginner, read a lot already and watched movies, but nothing replaces practice)
    2. Rust holes prevent the blade from being well I have to remove then.. that the case, anyone would have an idea of what I should do??

    Kind regards and thank you in advance!


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Polish is an abrasive and will kill you edge dead dead dead. I would expect that the only option at this point is to have it honed. In theory the rust pits along the edge will get honed out and give you a fresh bevel. I have no idea where you are but there seems to be enough guys honing that someone should be within mailing distance.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Sounds like RezDog is spot on. I'd guess there is a good chance you killed the edge with the abrasive polish, and that the rust is only at the surface. Having it professionally honed is a good route to follow.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
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    Thank you much friends. Makes sense! Though as I am a beginner, I decided to trust the guy from the shop...:/

    I am from Brazil, live in São Paulo. There are not so many straight razor lovers here..the specializer shop was in France (I was travelling around)

    Now, I suppose what you mean by "honing" includes the whole sharpening process: from early gritstone to leatherstrop...
    I have a 1000 gritstone, a 6000 stone, and a leatherstrop with paste...

    The idea would be taking to a pro so I do not damage any further, though I wanted to learn how to do these things myself.
    Do you think I can do it myself with these gear I have??

  5. #5
    Senior Member eod7's Avatar
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    You need at least an 8000 grit stone, Gusta.
    One time, in band camp, I shaved with a Gold Dollar razor.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    What is your paste and what is the polish, is it abrasive or chemical?

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