Both the Bead blasted and Evaporust razors will need to be sanded or buffed with greaseless to bring out a shine.

Evaprorust is much cheaper and easier, about $25 buck for a gallon that can be reused many times, simply dropped into the solution for 24 hours, rinse in warm water. No gloves or respirator needed. This same blade has sat on a shelf above my work bench since I did this experiment, a year and a half ago. It still looks identical to this photo, no rust in an unheated garage.

Results are similar and all rust is removed, both have a satin finish.

Name:  Bead blast 2.jpg
Views: 100
Size:  58.6 KB Bead Blasted razors
Name:  Evaprorust 3.jpg
Views: 96
Size:  132.9 KB Before
Name:  Evaprorust2.jpg
Views: 87
Size:  115.3 KB After Evaprorust
Name:  Evaprorust 1.jpg
Views: 89
Size:  56.9 KB