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Thread: Heart Breaker

  1. #1
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    Default Heart Breaker

    My brand new prized revisor 6/8ths was my favorite in my rotation. I bought this beauty in december and had intended it to last me the rest of my life. I brought this razor with me everywhere because I couldn't wait to show it. Like an idiot I placed it in my front pocket without a case and to my horror it came out looking like so...

    Name:  tragedy.jpg
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    My question is this: is she destined to be a paperweight or even if it's a terrible option could it be used if I ground it down above the missing chunk and honed it.

    Thank you… I still can't believe I let this happen.
    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

  2. #2
    Senior Member HaiKarate's Avatar
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    Oh man, sorry that happened. I do not have the experience to answer your question though. Still sorry to see this happen.

  3. #3
    Senior Member proximus26's Avatar
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    do not want to make you more sad but looks like the damage is almost to stabilizer level, which mean is useless to repair because overall width of the blade will be minimal, unless you will be OK with this size. Also geometry of the blade will change and shaving experience will be little bit different.

    Do you have any other razor?

  4. #4
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by proximus26 View Post

    do not want to make you more sad but looks like the damage is almost to stabilizer level, which mean is useless to repair because overall width of the blade will be minimal, unless you will be OK with this size. Also geometry of the blade will change and shaving experience will be little bit different.

    Do you have any other razor?

    It's ok I figured as much, and due to the location of the damage it would be to short to take down length wise unless I wanted a very very small razor. I figured as much. though I may still choose one of those options just to save what little I can from the situation.
    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

  5. #5
    the deepest roots TwistedOak's Avatar
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    that really sucks. I believe that thing is a paperweight now.

    Did you put a huge gash into your leg?
    Did you have a jewelers block next to the razor in your pants pocket?
    I don't understand how this actually happened?

  6. #6
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    I didn't realize it until the next day after it happened, but my best guess is that I had change in my pocket and a coin got jammed between the scales and the blade.
    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

  7. #7
    Senior Member DennisBarberShop's Avatar
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    Pocket seems dangerous, can only imagine what would happen if it opened and grabbed flesh...not to mention they count as a concealed deadly weapon im pretty sure (which is fine with a permit depending on state) sorry for your loss though, nice razor, glad you didnt get hurt

  8. #8
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    Regardless it was not a good decision to carry it around as such.

    but luckily as the blade is less than the width of my palm and is not biased to open I do not believe it falls under that category.

    I would usually keep it stored in it's case in my bag but sadly this was the exception and I paid the price. Luckily without injury
    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

  9. #9
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    That is a terrible loss of a beauty of a razor there. However, it's a good thing that missing piece didn't find its way into your leg or your hand when you stuck your hand in your pocket.

  10. #10
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ne0nblakk View Post
    That is a terrible loss of a beauty of a razor there. However, it's a good thing that missing piece didn't find its way into your leg or your hand when you stuck your hand in your pocket.
    I really hadn't thought of it. oddly enough I never did find the missing piece. I'll have to be careful with my trousers
    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

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