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Thread: Making lemonade from lemons

  1. #1
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    Default Making lemonade from lemons

    After a terrible mistake on my part my brand spanking new revisor 6/8 was left in pieces.
    Name:  tragedy.jpg
Views: 194
Size:  39.6 KB

    It took me a while to be able to pick it back up and decide where to go from there but I finally got around to it. Even though I know it is terrible to take such a beautiful razor and cut it down I wanted to see if I could make the remaining metal into more than a shattered letter opener. So I started to bread knife away… nearly honed all the way through my fingernail by not paying attention . Any how after laboring away I am pleased to present what I could salvage. And despite my doubts it sharpened up and passed the shave test with flying colors. Revisor uses some damned good steel.
    Name:  Revisor after.jpg
Views: 191
Size:  48.1 KB

    Sad to see the razor go this way but glad to have something that I still find beautiful and functional.

    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

  2. #2
    Senior Member rbaker2778's Avatar
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    That must have been a long bread knifing session. Glad you could salvage the blade. Good on you for not scrapping it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Hey you saved it ! Not so hard to look at now and will be a constant reminder. Lesson learned. We all have them.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  4. #4
    Shave This Hart's Avatar
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    I would have rounded the heel and toe a little more like the original but it looks good. It kept most of the detail, it would have been a real shame to let such a beauty go. How does it shave?
    Neil Miller likes this.
    Than ≠ Then
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  5. #5
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    I'd be interested to see what the bevel angle is at now, and how long it preforms nice shaves. Would be interesting, I can only imagine that it's out of that "zone" that is typically aimed for. But more power too ya! What is it measuring now?
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  6. #6
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Nice work! I like the smaller version better myself !!

  7. #7
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hart View Post
    I would have rounded the heel and toe a little more like the original but it looks good. It kept most of the detail, it would have been a real shame to let such a beauty go. How does it shave?
    I thought about rounding it, but I don't mind the sharp transition. Plus I figured it would look something like a French tip now. Difficult to say how it shaves. I honed it up but need to start over and adjust my strokes or even out the spine, I have found with this razor as well as some of my others the toe or even that entire half of the razor doesn't create the edge I can get on the heel. Will have to spend some time with the marker figuring out my blades.
    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

  8. #8
    Nautical Madman SailorJ's Avatar
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    Also not sure what that angle will be now. I wore a lot of spine off. Perhaps in the future I will try and figure out a way bring the spine down and recreate the angle. The heel that did sharpen up did so tremendously. Like I mentioned before they're steel is no joke.
    "One must always choose the lesser of two weevils." - Cpt. Jack Aubrey

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