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Thread: Horn stabilization problems

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    This a perfect Example of what Glen is talking about,Couple yrs back I bought 10 slabs of rams horn (ebay).
    When I got them they were perfectally Flat,I thru them in my horn box than forgot about them.
    They all look like this today,I did not properly take care of them. They should have been Clamped in place till use.
    They can be resurected,but you need to take care of natural materials.
    Name:  Ram 001.jpg
Views: 164
Size:  43.2 KB
    gssixgun and Geezer like this.
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  2. #22
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    ps: As dry as the air is in Colorado, we should all probably send our Horn to you to store for us until we need to use it
    Glen that is a seriously excellent but dangerous thought! I can easily envision a few 4 foot tall stacks of horn here. Thus far my wife has been patient and even accommodating about the razors and associated equipment and supplies, fly tying with all the fur and feathers, and those metal gadgets that give large animals lead poisoning - but if I requisitioned more space and added another pile to the mix I may get a little kickback! Maybe Max has a bit of space available in Vegas? It's probably even a few percentage points drier there - though for some reason I can never recall those types of details after a few days there...
    gssixgun likes this.

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