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  1. #1
    Member gkofsky's Avatar
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    Default Lateral blade movement

    I'm getting ready to pin a blade. I have already made a bushing to tighten up the pivot hole on the pin, but when I test fit the blade it swings laterally, even with no washers. Any advice on how to tighten it up before I pin it would be most welcome.


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    'Hope those better skilled weigh in.

    One reason a set of microfasteners is helpful is all the test fitting. Search Glen's threads about finding the misalignment - may be the shank itself. I understand Friodurs are famous for it.

    I test fit and observe the centering as the blade goes through its closing arc. If it starts any sideways notion at a consitent point along the path, I'll look on top and bottom of the scales to see if there's a tight appearance. If its not tight on top - it has to be the bottom. I relieve (file) the tight spot - whether that's on the blade side or tail side. If its way off, it may take relieve on both top & bottom. If the blade swings towards the rr scale, I'll relieve the bottom side of the rr scale from the pivot towards the end (the short end). And the top side of the front scale from the pivot towards the wedge end - only for the area that would bear on the shank. Reverse if it closes towards the front scale. It may take several fittings to get smooth. Then, you get to refinish the part you filed.

    'Would be easier to see in a vid. Tiny misalignments - see Glen's youtube on Pinning. He covers tapping the pivot on scales that have a single pin in the wedge end.

    Best of luck & hope you get more and better descriptions.

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    What my good friend Robert said


    At the top of this sub-forum "The Workshop" is a red sticky thread,

    In that thread are links to other threads with info you seek and in those threads you can sometimes find even more links or search topics

    Like that one in the scale making section on "Centering scales"

  4. #4
    Member gkofsky's Avatar
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    I don't think I explained well enough what my problem was, but I also just solved it. When I was test fitting the blade, it would wobble left and right, so I couldn't even tell if it was closing on center. But because the microfasteners I have wouldn't fit through the 1/16th hole I was using an entire brass rod to test the fit. Apparently that, in combination with the very tiny brass washers I made were what was causing the wobble. I just retested the fit using a half finished pin from the wedge end (since I have the wedge in a clamp to hold it) and a pair of #2-ID x 1/4" carbon fiber washers. Using that setup, the blade is nice and snug, and it centers perfectly!

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    In that thread are links to other threads with info you seek and in those threads you can sometimes find even more links or search topics

    Like that one in the scale making section on "Centering scales"
    I had actually read that thread before I posted this one, great tip, but unfortunately not the one I needed.

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