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Thread: Rescaling a King cutter *Pic heavy-ish*

  1. #1
    Junior Member johng1337's Avatar
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    Default Rescaling a King cutter *Pic heavy-ish*

    Hey everyone,

    yesterday i went for a walk and came across this old Böker King Cutter in an antique store.
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    It was 35CAN$, so I figured i didn't have much to loose. I noticed a scale is cracked at the pin, but i was gonna rescale it anyway. From what I could find on the interwebs, it's from around 1920-1935.
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    If it's actually that old, it's in great condition. I'll just hand sand it until I'm happy, and then I'll try to put it in those scales I made some time ago.

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    I wanted to use them for my other razor, a Thiers & Issard 1937 special coiffeur, but I didn't dare unscale my only razor, since I didn't want to risk dammaging it.

    After I'll try to hone it. It will be my first try so wish me luck My girlfriend just got me a 3k/8k combination naniwa for my birthday (she's the best) and after reading every article on honing available on the SRP....three times... I should be able to at least give it a shot. I'll let you guys know how it goes, but it might take a while.
    JBHoren, baldy, Geezer and 2 others like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member SRNewb's Avatar
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    You can do it. There's way more than enough info on this forum, you've got good steel and a good hone to work with. I love old Bokers.
    johng1337 likes this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    PM me if you want to chat about it off forum. Good luck.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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