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Thread: Which one would you would restore???

  1. #1
    "Whatever you are, be a good one" dtrain17's Avatar
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    Default Which one would you would restore???

    Hey Gents,
    So I was pondering buying a brand spanking new straight (always bought and used vintage) and was going to pull the trigger on a Ralf Aust or a Dovo, probably a 6/8 or so. Then it dawned on me, I have bought some nice blades perfect for restoration in the last couple of years and then I just file them away in the razor "to do" tool cabinet. I have polished a few blades in the past and can hone a razor to shave worthiness but I have yet to attempt to re-scale, re-pin, make scales, etc. but I want to in the near future.

    Before I attempt a full restore on my own I want to send one razor away to Glen or Max maybe for a restore. I admire the awesome work both of these fellows do and also wanted to have a professional restore done so I could have a shining example of what to strive for when doing my own restores in the future.

    Enough rambling, all of these razors have been untouched by me and are in the condition I found them in. I don't have any of these well known makers currently in my shave rotation so I am not privy to one brand vs. the other but am aware of the reputation of each maker. With that said......WHICH ONE WOULD YOU SEND OFF FOR A PROFESSIONAL RESTORE????

    Also, pictures aren't great but first time using a light box I made, needs adjustments, thnx.

    If I have created this post in the wrong forum please move accordingly.

    from top to bottom:
    -Dovo Fritz Bracht 25 (would keep original scales)
    -Big Wostenholm with barber's notch
    -Wade and Butcher with nice spine work but stubbed toe
    -Big and fairly clean Joseph Rodgers and Sons
    -Big Bingham / Fenney Tally Ho
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    Last edited by dtrain17; 04-17-2014 at 02:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Siguy's Avatar
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    My vote would be the Woste or the JR. Toss up.

    btw-you should have attached a vote poll to the thread. Maybe, you still can. Would be fun, no?

    Nice razors and happy shaving!

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    All are nice, watch the Dovo for Cell rot… looks like it may have already started.

    I would store that one separately.

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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It looks to me that the toughest one should be the one to get sent out. Looking through the pictures it is a tough call but I think the the Wade ad Butcher looks like the candidate for sending out.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  6. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    It looks to me that the toughest one should be the one to get sent out.

    Bingo !!!!

    Folks we have a winner

    Assuming that they all have good steel, then send the worst of the bunch to a Pro, that will give you the best benchmark of what can be done if Time and Talent
    gooser and Chevhead like this.

  7. #6
    "Whatever you are, be a good one" dtrain17's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Euclid440;1325660]All are nice, watch the Dovo for Cell rot… looks like it may have already started.

    Yeah I guess I actually do not know what to look for with cell rot. I think I read on SRP something about a funky smell from the scales but no smell on the Dovo but I do see the black swirling on some parts of the blade. I did notice on the bevel 2 tiny swiss cheese like spots so a little would be have to be taken of the razor's edge in order to start a good bevel. It would be a shame if I had to ditch the original scales on that Dovo.

  8. #7
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    I like the look of the "Big Wostenholm with barber's notch" and the "Wade and Butcher with nice spine work but stubbed toe". Any of em would make a nice shaver. Let us know how it goes!
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Your screwed they are all nice but I would probably go the W&B as I have a done a similar "American Razor" with the same spine in 13/16" awesome blade
    Then the Wosten then the Joseph
    to shave another day.

  10. #9
    Senior Member PFunkDaddy's Avatar
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    Send out the Tally Ho and then send it on to didn't realize you missed my birthday ;-).

    Add another vote for the W&B as it needs the most work.
    Time to put some lemon. It's lime time.

  11. #10
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    Restoring the gold lettering on the Wostenholm's scales would offer the biggest challenge for me.
    Thats a really nice W&B!
    I would be tempted to do a minumum of metal work to the tip, clean it up, and enjoy the antique repair done to the scales.
    I bet each and every one of those razors will be great shavers.

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