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Thread: Loose Pivot Pin Repair??

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyWetshaver View Post
    Hey just trying to help the guy out. He restores more razors than any chap I know and has seen more cross his bench than anyone I know so I thought perhaps it might be fruitful as he may have noticed a trend as far as dates. I know he and I have discussed the aforementioned Erustas and how they all have those pins. Carry on gents.
    Well now you know some more...

    What about dates? There is hardly any information regarding dates on razors - they don't have the date they were made stamped in them. Even when you have a name, the person after whom the firm was named could have been dead for donkeys years, so the name wouldn't tell you much.

    As for Erustas, it seems that the majority (based on an image search on Google) do not have the tack-type pins. As for dating them - well, there is hardly any information available on the company other than they used steel from the Bohler Steel Company, so the best you can do is use a gut feeling, which isn't very helpful. I have seen Erustas that could possibly span 1930s to 1950s, but I don't know - I bet your mate doesn't either.

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    The above look somewhere around 1950s to me. That would have the partial backing of Bohler Steel, who diversified in specialist alloys in the 1950s in a big way.

    And they don't have 'those' pins...

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    The first pic shows a pin set, complete with the hideously thick (IMO, of course) friction washers. You can clearly see the pin is a small tack or nail.

    The second picture shows the nail head - the small circle in the centre equates to the diameter of the pin and the head is formed so as to resemble a washer, but is obviously not. Very clearly these are not used in either of the Erustas pictured above.

    The end with the cupped-washer looks decent enough, so it is surprising that the modern trend seems to be to put it at the back of the razor and leave the ugly abortion pin-head (IMO, naturally) showing on the front.

    I have used them but they are best used (IMO yet again - gets tedious, doesn't it) with the nail head cut off and another cupped washer used instead.

    Last edited by Neil Miller; 07-22-2014 at 02:40 PM.
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  2. #22
      Lynn's Avatar
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    This might help as well. Sometimes attempting to tighten a pin will cause the blade position to shift from the middle of the scales to one side. Usually, hitting on the opposite side of where the blade is touching the scales will get the blade back to center, YMMV.

    Have fun.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Lynn For This Useful Post:

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  4. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Your razor was made in 1948,Jan 14 to be exact,just so happens the day I was born,now you know the rest of the story
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  5. #24
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyWetshaver View Post
    Well seeing as how I figure you will just keep posting till you get the last word in the obvious need to feel you are correct which I have now observed in several threads, I will exit the thread. People can base their thoughts off of your opinions and experience which are apparently of greater value than others as you demonstrated by saying no need to ask a very experienced restorer yet you felt the need to carry on and express your thoughts (as if they are more worthy than another's). People can search for themselves and reach their own conclusions. Even on google image or the SOTD thread here if they like ;-)
    Whoa, Jimmy! Neil is spot-on, IMO. What did he say to make you go off like this? No one doubts Mycarver has restored some. No one doubts you are somewhat intrigued by this crappy way of assembling a razor by your posts. No one doubts that these pins are often used on old razors as they are readily available. No one doubts they are used on Dovos and other later Geman razors. Just because they are found on everything and anything pinned does not mean extensive research and 'PM's' must be done to prove some mute point. As far as who has had some razors across the bench, you have no idea whatsoever, IMO.
    So just relax. If Neil says the sky is falling, better duck. Or not! I certainly shall!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:

    Neil Miller (07-23-2014), Tarkus (07-23-2014)

  7. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Never fails to amaze me how something as simple as tightning a pivot can run into a huge amt of posts.
    This is simple basic stuff guys.
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  8. #26
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Never fails to amaze me how something as simple as tightning a pivot can run into a huge amt of posts.
    This is simple basic stuff guys.
    No doubt, Bill. I hope the OP got some info which will help!
    Best info is post 5 from Bob which tells how the OP's razor is probably pinned. At best, only a 'half' tightening job is possible as the other half of the pin is fake. Nothing to be done about it. A gentle effort on the side with a collar is all which can be done to tighten the pivot. After that , repin properly with proper collars and rod is advisable, IMO.
    Last edited by sharptonn; 07-23-2014 at 12:44 AM.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  9. #27
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyWetshaver View Post
    You are right. It really isnt that serious now is it?
    Apologies for my over adamant stance on the topic. I often think I misinterpret things in these forums and if I were speaking to people I would better interpret the gist of what they are saying. Pretty new to the straight razor forum, Ill get the hang of things.
    Atta Boy, Jimmy!
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  10. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I agree, pins and pinning are a simple thing. Everyone can see that, I hope.

    What is not a simple thing, to me, is the way some half baked ideas are touted by people who are ill informed, and how they try to perpetuate this misinformation that in reality they know little or nothing about.

    And yes Jimmy, I do mean you. As long as people like you post personal beliefs masquerading as well informed info, then I will gainsay it every time I come across it.

    You can personally attack me in your previous infantile manner when you are corrected for posting what is at best ill informed rubbish, but that will not stop me, as I feel strongly that those who have a genuine thirst for knowledge deserve facts, a level playing field in fact, on which to build their own well researched knowledge base on. To those trying to make a name for themselves by posting arrant rubbish I have no duty or time for you, but I will set the record straight for those who are genuinely interested in knowledge rather than themselves.

    Not very gracious of me, I know, but this is not meant to be an apology.

    There is nothing more I care to add to the subject, so I will move on now. There are plenty of other fools in need of correction elsewhere!

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  11. #29
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Atta Boy, Neil!
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  12. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mglindo View Post
    I didn't know that. See, learn something new every day. I thought they were all the same!
    Nope, they are like Theirs Issard.

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