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Thread: Need info from a woodworking expert

  1. #1
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    Default Need info from a woodworking expert

    Ok, i bought some blanks of wood to form into scales. One set is 1/2 thick, so in my mind i can cut this in half and make 2 sets of scales. What would be the best way to make this happen? I dont have any tools myself, but im a college student, and im sure someone in one of the machine shops can hook me up if i ask. Thanks! The dimensions are 6 in long, 2 in wide, 1/2 in thick.

  2. #2
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    1/2" devided by 4 is 1/8". Unfortunately, you have saw kerf to worry about. Each time that blade passes through the stock of wood, your loosing a 1/6" off the size. Just to be clear, each pass through the wood turns 1/16 into dust. You may only get three pieces that are thick enough to use as scales.
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  3. #3
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    Yea I ordered 3 total, the other 2 are 1/4 thick. I'm just going to sand them to use able thickness. I would be happy to get 3 from 1/2 in, but was shooting for 2. So now that I know it is possible, what is the preferred tool and method to do it. I'm sure I would need a jig of some sort right? It would be hard to free hand that through a bandsaw, at least for my unskilled hands.

    P.S. I won that first ebay listing I showed you of the buckeye burl!
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  4. #4
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    So now that I know it is possible, what is the preferred tool and method to do it. I'm sure I would need a jig of some sort right? It would be hard to free hand that through a bandsaw, at least for my unskilled hands.
    I think you are asking about resawing. This can be done on a bandsaw with a fence or a jig. This is an easy job for google.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    If you don't have access to a bandsaw, a Japanese rip saw is the next best option. I'm no carprnter but have used one of these on wood and horn - it's much easier than hand sanding.
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    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    A bandsaw would probably be the easiest way. I have used a scroll saw to cut 3/8 thick stuff before, but it was a PITA. Once I got a bandsaw I haven't used the scroll saw since. If you are careful cutting you probably could get 3 slabs from it, but I never like doing that unless the wood is tight grained and you wouldn't be able to tell if they were book matched. I like to keep each scales to look somewhat similar in grain pattern.
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  7. #7
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UKRob View Post
    If you don't have access to a bandsaw, a Japanese rip saw is the next best option. I'm no carprnter but have used one of these on wood and horn - it's much easier than hand sanding.
    +1 on the Japanese pull saw approach. If you do not have access to proper shop.
    I have one and have used it to cut scales out of hardwood floor remnants. Wear gloves and let the tool do the work and it works marvy.
    Can get one for under $30 at most better hardware or tool supplies. McMaster Carr as well.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member jeness's Avatar
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    Dunno if you still need help, but I usually get 6-7 slabs out of a 1" thick piece of hardwood, when my bandsaw is working like it should. If I mess up, or the blade isn't at its best anymore, than it changes to 5-6 pieces that are usable for scales.

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    Thanks for all the help. I think I'm just going to call a few local woodworking shops and see if they can cut it for me. I'm just going to cut the 1/2 piece in half. I have two blocks of it so I'll still get 4 more sets of scales by doing so. The other two slabs I have are 1/4, and I'm not going to risk it cutting them. I'll just sand em down to the right thickness. I'm really excited, the one set I have is 7" long, perfect for my craig barr razor. I'll try and post some pics soon of some of these beautiful buckeye burl slabs!

  10. #10
    Senior Member LexTac's Avatar
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    I was once a college student and I don't remember having a lot of money or a place to store a band saw. I would look for a small reputable cabinet maker in your area and have him saw it for you. Tell him exactly what you are trying to accomplish, shoot the bull for a while and he will probably saw your pieces for a very low price. Just my opinion for what it's worth. Good luck with your search..
    Maladroit and prodigy like this.

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