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Thread: Rust inhibitors? (Long winded?)

  1. #1
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Question Rust inhibitors? (Long winded?)

    I picked up a couple fixer-uppers from an antique mall to teach myself honing & how to rescale.

    Pics of the one with the worst rust can be found in my album here on SRP.

    First, the reason for this thread. Then, related questions.

    What should I use to protect my blades from rust? Less expensive is preferred, as is readily available (like at wally-world or The Lowe Depot or even local specialty shop). It would also be nice to have something that didn't require removal before shaving.

    - WD-40
    - Barbercide
    - Camillia oil
    - Baker's (mineral) oil
    - Olive oil
    - Some sort of polish like you get from kitchen cleaners isle, home goods isle, automotive isle, etc. in a big box store.

    Are these good at warding off rust? For moderately long term storage? Needs to be wiped off before shaving? Won't cost something like $4+ per ounce? And I'm open to suggestions!

    And now for the related tangent!

    It's mostly pitting with a bit of black gunk. The only real issue for the other is warped scales and a chip roughly 1mm in diameter.

    Cleaning and rust mitigation seems like the proper noob restoration place to start. My course of action will be 0000 steel wool & WD-40. Will this obliterate the "hollow ground" etching on the pitted ERN? And is the WD-40 gonna keep the blade protected in the meantime while I build up my honing & restore gear over the following months?

    Dang! My "question shotgun" is out of ammo...

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  2. #2
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    How many razors are you talking about and how long will they be put up before use. The razors I will use often I use the SRD razor oil. I suppose you could use any bakers mineral oil and the ones I have put aside for long term I use a gun rust preventive call R.I.G. it's a yellow grease that will not allow rust at all. or at least it works for me. Now when I use it and take one of these razors out to use I clean with soap and warm water dry strop and use. the mineral oil I wipe with a kleenx tissue and strop and shave. each to his own.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    I don't think barbecide is a rust inhibitor at all, as far as i know it is just to sterilise things.
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  5. #4
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Rust inhibitor = Inox Mx-3
    INOX MX3 Lubricant - Inox Lubricants

    Rust/pitting is almost always deeper than any etch so up to you re etch vs. restoration.
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  6. #5
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    I use Tuf-Glide for my blades. Works great so far. Put a few drops on the blade and wipe it with a cloth. When going to shave....just rinse it under hot water, wipe dry, strop then and you are ready to shave.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  7. #6
    Member JimmyWetshaver's Avatar
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    I use WD40.
    I use WD40 original on my blades.
    Then my scales get a wipe with WD40 silicone spray inside and out.

  8. #7
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    For long term storage, i might look at something like Renaissance Wax.
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  9. #8
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I don't use WD40 because it is nasty stuff if you cut yourself. I use balistol for everything. It is a perfect lubricant and rust inhibitor. It doesn't cause infection or rashes if you cut yourself with an oiled blade because it is food grade stuff. You can fry your breakfast in it. Except in the state of California, where it is known to cause cancer
    jmercer and Pringr like this.
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  11. #9
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    For my razors, I use Sentry Solutions Tuf-Glide for short/intermediate storage, and RIG grease for long-term.

    For my knives, I use Ballistol (mineral oil + some other bits, Ballistol is also food safe) or Johnson's Baby Oil (Mineral oil + perfume - baby safe ).

    The best bang for the buck, has to be mineral oil.

    Have fun

    Best regards


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  13. #10
    Senior Member 2Sharp's Avatar
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    The only thing I use WD-40 for is getting labels off of jars and cleaning my greasy hands in the shop. WD-40 builds up and gums up every thing it gets on. I won't let it get near my guns or fishing equipment. Mineral spirits is a good solvent and mineral oil is excellent for rust preventive. Mineral oil has more than one use. It keeps you lubed up too. bj
    Last edited by 2Sharp; 03-14-2015 at 10:33 AM.
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