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Thread: faild un pining

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Default faild un pining

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    Hi, The W&B on the right , you can see someone failed and removing the pin, so is there a awy I can unpin, and keep the scales?
    both side the pin looks to have been sanded down enough so tht it will not stick high enough out to do much sanding without protecting the scales i some way.
    Thanks for your advice.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    if there is some space between the scales you can get a jewelers saw in there and cut the pin. or if you have a dremel with a very fine burr you can possibly grind them down enough to get them apart. BUT pry them apart VERY gently.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    you could try a split point drill bit in a pin vise to get the pin out and then fill and re drill the scales to cover the scarring. Re pin it with stacked washers and Robert is your mothers brother.
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  4. #4
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    What does the other side look like. if possible you could drill the other side oil the pin and push it though from the other side. then clean and if you have some broken scales that are dark horn you can file or sand a pile of dust mix with epoxy fill hole wait until it cures and redrill. I have done this and it' a %^^&&^^&&* but it worked.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Wirm's Avatar
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    My method is to create a small divot on the center of the exposed pin with a small round diamond point dremel bit like the one on left . Then carefully drill out the pin with 1/16" split point . Helps if you have access to a drill press and drill it out by bringing the razor up to the spinning bit. A little WD 40 around the pin can also help .Name:  d.jpg
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Scareface's Avatar
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    Flush cut pliers under the washer!
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scareface View Post
    Flush cut pliers under the washer!
    I either break the scale or if I have a strong pin, the dikes.
    Some folks have great luck but not me. I divot and drill or jewelers' saw.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    I either break the scale or if I have a strong pin, the dikes.
    Some folks have great luck but not me. I divot and drill or jewelers' saw.
    thanks, the other side looks to have a little bit more of a head, but still the same situation, thank you all, what do ya'll think about a punch 1/8 looks to be the size mabe a little smaller then the pin, should I even attempt to punch it out, should I use the 1/8 punch or go one lower?
    I don't have jewler saw..
    thanks, Richard, thatbs the obviouse way to get the scale off but I would like to keep them(I guess you can call in practicing safe scale removal ).
    also is there an oil to put on the run of the mill horn scales to keep them from drying out.
    and don't know why anyone made a 3/8 blade but I have one, anyone know why , .. or what practical application there was for such a small blade?

  9. #9
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Go lower 1/16 , WD-40 and let it sit, open and close multiple times. Neatsfeet oil is my choice for horn and bone scales.
    3/8 ths works great for thin mustaches. and picking off ear and nose hairs.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    thanks, off to lowew to get a smaller set ... well in the AM
    and how long should I let it sit before poping it out ? 10 minutes?

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