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Thread: Mother's mag and aluminium polish

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Default Mother's mag and aluminium polish

    I read on a forum (I think it was shave nook) that Mothers' mag polish had better results on blades with etching than other polishes by hand.
    has any one here used Mother's mag polish ? what where your reslts?
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  2. #2
    Member JimmyWetshaver's Avatar
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    I like Blue Magic better as it is less abrasive and therefore less likely to remove the etch (provided I am trying to save it of course). That being said Mothers is less abrasive than flitz, Maas, or simichrome so it is a better option than they are for etched blades IMO.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    here's the one I am tring to clean the blade up , no rust just darkening
    and the entire etching is there not just the circle with the 'B' in it.
    The second picture I took, the first was from the ad that shows the etching better than the photo I took
    Last edited by whoever; 04-19-2015 at 05:30 AM.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    That looks like a nice, fairly deep etching. I don't think you have to worry about it with any of the hand polishes mentioned above. If anything they may may not be aggressive enough for that blade in my opinion. It really just depends on what you want to accomplish with it.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    You could probably use 0000 steel wool on that, perhaps even more coarse than that, although the more coarse will leave visible scratching that will need to be polished with the 0000 in the end. You can finish off with the mothers. Black marks often hide very shallow pitting. It is a nice deep etch.
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  6. #6
    Shave This Hart's Avatar
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    Even with polish there will be some softening of the edges on the etch if you over do it.
    I have found Blue Magic gentler than Mothers as well.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hart View Post
    Even with polish there will be some softening of the edges on the etch if you over do it.
    I have found Blue Magic gentler than Mothers as well.
    thx, is 0000, steel wool the same steel you find in the cleaning section at te store that is commonly used to clean dishes?
    also I have 220 grid is that much harsher than 0000 steel wool ?
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  8. #8
    Shave This Hart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whoever View Post
    thx, is 0000, steel wool the same steel you find in the cleaning section at te store that is commonly used to clean dishes?
    also I have 220 grid is that much harsher than 0000 steel wool ?
    Steel wool grades.

    I worked an etching recently and used diamond lapping film and a cork.

    If the 220 you mention is sandpaper, then it is waaaay to harsh for your purposes.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    not done, still need to go pick up neatfeet
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    here is a hair line crack in the scale, that does not go all the way through, Is there anything i can do to repair this without unpinning or bracking all the way to repair it or, am I better off waiting until it brakes, ?
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