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Thread: Joseph Rodgers Sons Cutler Their Majesties Celluloid Tang Straight Razor 6/8+

  1. #1
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    Default Joseph Rodgers & Sons Cutlers To Their Majesties Blade 6/8+

    I've always wanted one of these. I found his beautiful razor sitting on Ebay. Literally just sitting there! For the Buy Now price of 10 cups of Venti Starbuck coffee I had to have it. With my untrained eye, the blade seems to be in good/great condition. Very little staining, rust or pitting.

    Now the easy part is over. The blade is purchased and it's on it's way to Cheetahville.

    So here's the hard part. I think the razor is covered in Ivory so what's the best way to get scales for it? The 2 ways that I can come up with are:

    1: Scour Ebay for a set of scales that I think will match. I've seen some blades that I wouldn't mind sacrificing for a set of "bone"scales for this beautiful razor. I think this razor is covered in ivory but really have no way of telling. If so I would want a pair of Ivory scales or to protect it. Would there be a problem with the colors of bone matching during the restore? I would like a uniform look.

    2: sending it out for restore and relying on the expertise of the person doing the restore to find the best material for the job...which I figure will be super expensive.

    Totally not opposed to the expensive route but if I can at least supply the scales I feel like I will have contributed in some way and helped to keep the cost down by doing some leg work myself. If this razor should be totally left to the pros then let me know.

    Either way this one is going to get


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    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    If the tang is ivory I think the hardest part would be trying to match the color if you went with ivory scales. Might be able to find a set that is aged and close to the same color. I'm sure there are ways to age ivory to match the color. Could always go with something like ebony or black synthetic material to give contrast to the tang. Either way I think it will look great done and Rogers razors take a fantastic edge.

  4. #4
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    Those scales look like they came off of an MK. I have a couple of mk32's I could measure for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JSmith1983 View Post
    If the tang is ivory I think the hardest part would be trying to match the color if you went with ivory scales. Might be able to find a set that is aged and close to the same color. I'm sure there are ways to age ivory to match the color. Could always go with something like ebony or black synthetic material to give contrast to the tang. Either way I think it will look great done and Rogers razors take a fantastic edge.
    Black scales would be the easy way out IMO and I'm sure people would question why go through the trouble of getting a covered tang to not have the scales match. There's probably a reason why it didn't come the factory with contrasting scales and I want Joseph Rodgers himself to be proud of the work, not angry with my short comings.

    Thanks for the imput. I hope that you are right with the ivory color matching part.


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    Quote Originally Posted by jfk742 View Post
    Those scales look like they came off of an MK. I have a couple of mk32's I could measure for you.
    Any imput that will help move this project forward would be awesome and helpful.



  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I am not sure about your need for a perfect match on the ivory color. I have some razors that haven't got a perfect match in color from side to side, and I doubt my scales have seen any work. They don't always get the same exposure to air and other things so there is often a small difference. Just give it a light clean and try your best to match it up. I have acquired quite a few razors while trying to find two sets of scales that match my seven day set. Some have been picked up for very little. A funny side story, I was in an antiques mall and saw a razors with bone scales that said Ivory scales on a razor $125, I turned up my nose and ket looking, and found a razor with a very nice set of ivory scales that were advertised as plastic, $10. So look for sure.
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    I am not sure about your need for a perfect match on the ivory color. I have some razors that haven't got a perfect match in color from side to side, and I doubt my scales have seen any work. They don't always get the same exposure to air and other things so there is often a small difference. Just give it a light clean and try your best to match it up. I have acquired quite a few razors while trying to find two sets of scales that match my seven day set. Some have been picked up for very little. A funny side story, I was in an antiques mall and saw a razors with bone scales that said Ivory scales on a razor $125, I turned up my nose and ket looking, and found a razor with a very nice set of ivory scales that were advertised as plastic, $10. So look for sure.
    You are correct about the perfect match but if you look at Maggard's sample, there is something so "buttoned up" about the look. Trust me, I know it's the graphic/ fashion designer in me....LOL I just want this thing to be perfect like a 3 piece powder blue suit from the 70's. There aren't many/ any antique shops that I've seen near me with straight razors so I'll prob have to get them from ebay.

    I've got nothing but time so I will keep looking

    Thanks Rez
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    Just do all of the "bone" pieces at the same time so that it all matches

    Done...drops mic


  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    It looks like aged Ivory to me if my eye sees it correctly! It would be very nice to find a straight with aged Ivory scales to rob from & use on that blade! That is what I would do. I would set it aside & I do have a few straights that have Ivory scales on 'em & if I had that blade, I would have to take from one & give to the other. I would have no other choice but to do that! That my friend is what I would do!

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to engine46 For This Useful Post:

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