MAAS, Brasso, Flitz, etc... work pretty much the same way.

1.) apply onto surface of blade or scales with fingers, rag, whatever.....

2.) ALLOW to dry thoroughly... 10 -15 minutes...

This allows the stuff to adhere to the top surface of the stain, crud, patina, rust, corrosion, etc...

3.) Then buff off by hand with a buffing cloth, or real slow with dremel...until you see shine!

The polish also contains a slighly abrasive material that also helps to shine the blade or scales....

If the layer of crud, patina, rust, corrosion, is really thick you may have to do this several times...

As you remove one layer of crud, another layer may be revealed underneath...

I keep going until I reach bare metal...

If there wasn't any bad rust, the blade should look really cherry minty after 5 or 6 applications...

If the rust was bad, I will I will then usually see the pitting and scratches that were underneath etc... which will then need to be sanded & or buffed out with other dremel tools....

Hope this helps...
