OK, sitting down with dremel on absolute lowest speed, a new felt wheel and some MAAS to try and get rid of some spotting -

After running the dremel a bit, I stopped to check my progress and after wiping the MAAS off well I notice something I don't think was there before - some very fine lines, every 64th of an inch down the blade in the direction of the felt rotation ?

Only thing I can think of is that the screw is somehow making contact with the blade and leaving these scratches? Even with a flex shaft, it is still impossible to have the felt perpendicular to the blade, and so with the angle of the dremel to the blade it is possible I guess for there to be some contact but I find it highly unlikely? Anyone else had this problem?

Also, my MAAS use creates a kind of "haze" on the blade and not a mirror finish? What could be causing this? I have used it extensively n other blades, but n this particular one, the hazing is pretty obvious. Anything finer to get rid of the haze? I haven't wanted to use 2000 grit, but is that my only choice?