I didn't realize there are different types lol... I just been buying a lot of vintage razors online and some look like I can restore the scales some look like they need new ones... Some have rust and pitting so I'm looking to pretty much take something that is possibly 100 years old and make her ready to shave again...long term I am trying to see if I could accomplish this the lb if I can I want to start forging custom razors and scales as a hobby... I figured this would be a better start then to just jump onto foraging.... I have only been in this hobby for a month and I've really taken a liking to this entire world... There is also some back story to why I'm trying to find more constructive things to do with my time but I'm not getting into that.... Just know that all the information isn't just helping someone restore razors for money but also helping someone in a much personal way... Not saying that anyone implied that but I'm just explaining why I'm getting so deep into this so fast...