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Thread: smooth sailing on first custom scales then CRACK!

  1. #31
    Senior Member Dafonz6987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrisAnderson27 View Post
    I feel your pain!!

    Two nights ago:

    Freaking gorgeous set of red/black recon stone scales...and BAM!!...crack!
    Its the worst bro, there are certain things I never knew could make me cringe, like having a freshly honed razor then hit the edge on something stupid @uck... Slicing into my strop ouch... You know I should make a list because I can go on

  2. #32
    Senior Member Dafonz6987's Avatar
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    Default Here the delema I mentioned

    So the first pic I think I'm close and the problem is it was a total accident how I got there so for the one on the far right I have no idea how to get it close like the other lol... i even took them apart to maybe even use the dremel...

    the middle pic is the whole scale dsign (obviously lol) but I'm going to double pin her on the bottom... I just want something different, I think that's what I want to do is make eventually make my own unique style that maybe is new

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  3. #33
    Member CrisAnderson27's Avatar
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    That's a pretty good looking design . One thin I would do is round off all of the corners a bit on the pivot end. It's amazing how uncomfortable even small rounded corners can be in a shaving scenario!

    On the Gold Dollar thing, I agree completely. They're actually a lot of fun to modify, and some people like them quite a bit. Out of five I buy to modify, usually only 2-3 are even salvageable, but the ones that are invariably end up a nice shaver. I don't know if you can tell, but the razor in those red scales is a Gold Dollar as well .

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