This thread is to chronicle the journey I have embarked upon to restore an ERN, the very first vintage razor I picked up. Trying to resist my usually long winded posts (forum published micro-novel? ), I will try to break it up over the course of several posts, hopefully improving the organization a bit as well.

I believe I have already done an "unboxing" thread on it, so I'll get straight to pics pertaining to condition. The scales were a bizarre material, somewhere between plastic, wood, and cardboard.

Found condition:
Name:  20150118_181358.jpg
Views: 305
Size:  76.5 KB

Back of blade:
Name:  20150118_182459.jpg
Views: 259
Size:  62.9 KB

The full writeup on my progress to this point may be over the course of several days, as my spare time allows. Another major advance in this restore will happen Sunday. I consider it a turning point, so I'm reservedly stoked .