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Thread: 7-Day Set Welt-Schiffer

  1. #1
    Senior Member Dafonz6987's Avatar
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    Default 7-Day Set Welt-Schiffer

    I came across this 7-Day Set today and I figured y'all would appreciate this just as much as I would... All 7 days are here and they have a lovely Gold Etching on the front and it appears to be etched then painted yellow on the since... Which I think is because they knew how much gold plating comes off and u need to strop them sometime... They are extra hollow and the blade chatters to me while I'm shaving which is my favorite... I'm going to be doing some light restoration on these guys, the two that look pretty beat up in just going to take off the active rust and leave it at that... I know the gold is going to come off and fade with the hand sanding but I'm just going to stick on some higher grits and go slow... The blade is hitting the wedge on some of these and aside from unpinning and sanding down the wedge I see no alternative...

    well enjoy!
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  2. #2
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    It is a fantastic set. Just go slow on any work.
    Last edited by rolodave; 03-05-2016 at 10:27 AM.
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  3. #3
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    Very nice, enjoy!
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Very nice set!

    I have a suggestion for trimming the wedge without unpinning them.

    I have a couple of those saws, good for light trimming, etc. The saw blade should be thin enough to fit between the scales, with enough room to spare for "protection". I'd put a couple layers of Teflon plumber's thread tape on each scale down by the wedge, to keep the saw from rubbing. And like Dave said: go slow. If you don't already have a saw like this, maybe take one if the razors to the store with you, just for the sake of making sure the saw will fit with a slight bit of wiggle room.

    Now, I would like to make an observation/deduction. Two of the razors obviously differ in condition from the rest. Me thinks this could be the result of a couple different factors. They may have been born to different sets, and used later to fill in some blanks. Or it could be that two were used as shavers, while the other five were left alone to preserve them. Just thinking out loud.

    Also: are the scales celluloid? That would be something that would worry me, with the two in lesser condition at least.

    I hope this was helpful!
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  5. #5
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Very nice set. As far as the blade hitting the wedge i have had that problem before . I found a very thin hack say blade in a hobby shop. I very carefully used just the blade to remove just a little of the tip of the wedge where the blade hit. i had to be very careful not to let the blade mark the scales. With my razor it was just the very tip of the wedge that touched the blade so it worked out ok. Yours may be to narrow at the wedge. I was at my favorite gun shop today and noticed that the gunsmith had some very small files he use's and that may be an option. anyway good luck.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Dafonz6987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crawler View Post
    Very nice set!

    I have a suggestion for trimming the wedge without unpinning them.

    I have a couple of those saws, good for light trimming, etc. The saw blade should be thin enough to fit between the scales, with enough room to spare for "protection". I'd put a couple layers of Teflon plumber's thread tape on each scale down by the wedge, to keep the saw from rubbing. And like Dave said: go slow. If you don't already have a saw like this, maybe take one if the razors to the store with you, just for the sake of making sure the saw will fit with a slight bit of wiggle room.

    Now, I would like to make an observation/deduction. Two of the razors obviously differ in condition from the rest. Me thinks this could be the result of a couple different factors. They may have been born to different sets, and used later to fill in some blanks. Or it could be that two were used as shavers, while the other five were left alone to preserve them. Just thinking out loud.

    Also: are the scales celluloid? That would be something that would worry me, with the two in lesser condition at least.

    I hope this was helpful!
    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    Very nice set. As far as the blade hitting the wedge i have had that problem before . I found a very thin hack say blade in a hobby shop. I very carefully used just the blade to remove just a little of the tip of the wedge where the blade hit. i had to be very careful not to let the blade mark the scales. With my razor it was just the very tip of the wedge that touched the blade so it worked out ok. Yours may be to narrow at the wedge. I was at my favorite gun shop today and noticed that the gunsmith had some very small files he use's and that may be an option. anyway good luck.
    That's the same idea I had, that the two were the shavers to shave on the condition of the rest of the razors. The gentlemen that owns these razors explained that he hasn't touched them in 40 years after he bought them.

    I do believe they are celluloid, I don't know if this is a good way to identify celluloid but usually I can smell it when I'm sanding it... Why would that worry you about the condition?

    The blade and files are great suggestions I don't know why I didn't think about it sooner! But that's why I love it here the fresh eye never hurts

  7. #7
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Wow. I just realized I didn't copy the link from wally-world's website . Anyway. I was talking about the Stanley mini-hack.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    Very nice set! a bit jaloers now

  9. #9
    Senior Member Dafonz6987's Avatar
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    I've done some work on these blades and the scales cleaned up beautifully, the razor with the rust on it did fade on the gold but it's either that or active rust... Shame... Happy to report the other blade didn't sustain any fading on the gold

    Another problem I'm running into is that the blades aren't sitting center, I assume it's because over time the material of the scales warped... It turned out to be celluloid I could smell it when I was hand sanding it...

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