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Thread: reknotting

  1. #1
    Senior Member JackeHj's Avatar
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    Default reknotting

    Hi! Is there a reknotting turotial? I tried to search but didnt find any... I'm looking to replace a knot on a bursh, I like the handle but the knot is old!

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  2. #2
    Senior Member JackeHj's Avatar
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    well, what Im really after is how to remove the old knot without damaging the handle or the knot... In this case I dont care about the knot, but I'd like to learn anyway!
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    There are a variety of methods and it kind of depends on your handle too. I have teamed the knot out of some heavy plastic or resin handles. There have been quite a few threads over time.
    If the knot is quite old you can crush it a bit in a vise and the glue breaks up and the knot pulls out.
    You can cut the bristle or hair back and then bore it out with a forstner bit in a drill press.
    Those are pretty much the three options. Steaming is pretty simple.

    This is the video that was posted to help me out when I asked the very same question a while back. Thanks Bob.
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  5. #4
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    Maybe try nearly boiling hot water?
    Normally you sacrifice the old knot.

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    YouTube has a few different ways to remove a knot .

    This method I have used to remove a knot so I could drill the hole deeper to reset the same knot deeper into the handle . The knot was original epoxied in the handle by myself using 5 minute epoxy that comes in a twin tube dispenser. The knot came out undamaged.

    I have used this method on older vintage brushes but the knot fell apart because of the type of glue used back then. At least that is my guess. With other methods you either destroy the old knot or the handle depending on which part you want to save. With brushes that are hollow handled you take a chance on melting the handle using the steaming method.

    I use a pair of oven mitts to remove the handle from the pot. If you use the steam method be very careful to not to burn yourself.

    What method you use is up to you and I am not guaranteeing how it will work out either.

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  7. #6
    Senior Member JackeHj's Avatar
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    thank you for the quick replys! I think I got what I needed

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