OOO steel wool and WD40 will get it clean, wool wrapped wooden coffee stir stick will get between the scales. 1k and 800 wet and dry will polish up the blade and scales, then metal polish and a paper towel, will make it shine.

Straighten the scales with hot water, popsicle stick and some clamps.

If you want to unpin a 1/16 in drill and pin vise as said or pick up a 1/16 in drill with a built in hex head, works great for a handle. Just file the pin head flat, center punch the pin and drill. Work on a 6mm, 9X11 sheet of craft foam 1-2 dollars, to steady the razor.

But, unless you have a lot of rust at the pin, or broken scales, you don’t need to unpin.

Charlie Lewis, (Lewis Razor) has a great video on making a pair of scales with hand tools. Tons of resto's have been done with just hand tools...