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Thread: 3-pin question

  1. #1
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    Default 3-pin question

    decided to try messing around with a 3-pin scale and realized last minute that i had no idea what to wrap the middle pin with so i ended up cutting down and using a small piece of a ball-point pen ink tube. =]

    so my question is this ... what should really be used on this pin? and where can i get some of the right/correct gage to slip over a brass or nickel pin rod with minimal play?


  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Most well stocked Hardware stores will have a K&S metals display stand in the corner someplace, it will have Brass tubes that can be cut to fit

    Have you looked close to understand the fit and how they work??? Let me know if you need help..

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  4. #3
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    thanks gssixgun. i will look for those brass tubes.

    have i looked close? heck no. but i figured no better lesson than trying. worse that happens is some wasted acrylic and my time. =]

    ive looked at the 3-pin razors i own. and they all had a non-metal tube around the pin. so i thought it was to avoid any accidental metal-on-metal dings. i think i have the placement right but i can already see after this first attempt that i need to make the tube wider to keep the scales flexed slightly even when the razor is out. i also didnt use a pin collar for the mid-pin, just the mushroomed head itself to keep it in place. it was a fun experiment. far from perfect but i think it turned out pretty well.

    does any of this sound even kinda right?
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  5. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    The "Flex" and placement is important

    Couple of things to understand

    Nobody actually knows why they are even there

    Many believe they are a Tang rest,,, Nope, unless there is an issue with the scales (Warp) the tang will not touch the post

    Some of us believe they are to widen that point to adjust the scales around a thick tang, although you can use it that way, it does not explain all the razors that do not work that way..

    Looks ??? heck maybe

    Anyway they are a challenge and they also do NOT work well with all tang angles

    But they are quite fun to mess with

    I like using decorative posts in ,but they are harder to adjust for flex

    Name:  Center pin post.jpg
Views: 122
Size:  32.9 KB

    This gives you an idea of the adjustment too
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    sloanwinters (12-20-2016)

  7. #5
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    holy @#$!. i didnt even know about decorative posts. now i have that to consider (obsess over) as well. that really adds an extra level of quality to the razor.

    i assumed the 3-pin was either for some 1) extra added strength and rigidity to the scales. or to 2) be used as a 'stopper' to ensure that the blade never made it past the bottom of the scales to accidentally wreck the edge.

    the tang is definitely a little thicker than the scale width so that 'flex' is evident.

    truly appreciate your knowledge, experience and advice gssixgun. much appreciated.

    heres a quick pix of the noble experiment...
    Name:  IMG_2145.jpg
Views: 81
Size:  42.5 KB
    gssixgun and rolodave like this.

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