Hey folks,

Got some questions about my buffing machine. I bought it from a guy as condition "used". What I think is the machine works well, it's a 370W. But there is something annoying when I use it with greaseless comp.

I put wheels to use it with these compounds and unique for each grit. It turns as well, I put than the compound on wheel annoying extra ordinary what I do for finishing polish pastes.

Here's the thing, once the greaseless comp. is hot enough to fond and the wheels start to take it on. It demands more power. I can't just hold the greaseless pastes because it makes the wheels stop. I must to put it on every 2 or 5 seconds (i mean with breaks of 2 or 5) seconds untill the wheel has completely the posts on it.

This is very annoying. I spend almost 45 minutes to prepare my wheels ready to start.

Do you thing it comes from my buffing machine which has 370W of power or there's something I do wrong?

I will appreciate any help.

As I wrote a little wrong there might be something not clear. Please ask it me I'll try to explain better