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Thread: Scale dillema.

  1. #1
    Senior Member Wightman's Avatar
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    Default Scale dillema.

    Here are the twin Brookes and Crookes. Obviously in need of some pin off restoration. If you look close enough there is some spine work under that rust and patina. Now I am assuming these scales are Ivory due to the collarless pinning and how thin they are. Now here in lies the problem, the one is broke, but I still have the piece. My initial plan was to clean them up and dress them in matching design mother of pearl on one and black pearl on the other... when ever I was able to. Now seeing as how I think they may be ivory, should I just try to rejoin the broken piece. And if so, how and with what? Superglue? And while pinned to get the form and fit more easily proper, or in pinned and separated? What's your opinion on what should be done? All input valued and considered.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    There are a lot of options.
    You can glue it in place with super glue and cross your fingers and pin them back together, which really costs and risks nothing.
    You can go with a very thin G-10 liner.
    You can do your own G-10 liner with crazy light fibreglass cloth and epoxy.
    You can glue it and repin it using eyelet style collars.
    I am sure others will have other ideas.
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    Senior Member Wightman's Avatar
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    Just polished the less rusty spine btw, just to see how it's going to come out, and this one and part looks great, brand new. I know there'll b some pitting when I get to that rust tho... but I think it won't be terrible over all. And what you think rez? Should I try to salvage that scale or just scrap it and make a new? I dunno how well I'll do at the repair. Have never attempted it, and it's pretty darn thin to not be brittle after.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Make new is not that easy, simply because it is ivory. I would try to glue it and repin it using CA, it that fails, I would line the pair of them with some nice G-10,mostly because I like the look of it. outback Mike did a set with the supremfine sheet liner that I did, and there have been a few other threads with lined scales in them. I have also lined bone with G-10. Outback has ready access to materials that are not quite as easy for me to come up with and as a result, he has done some really cool stuff. Look it up and see and plan for what you would do if it does not hold up to gluing and pinning. As close to original is always my preferred route, and vary where you need to after that.
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  6. #5
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I can see that one of the is broken at the wedge is that the one that shows a hair line crack at the wedge end also. If so I would do as RezDog suggest and line it. Then re pin . once cleaned up and repaired you should have a nice set of razors. If your not comfortable doing this you could try to shop it out to one of the restorers here at the place.
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  7. #6
    JP5 is offline
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    Just send them to me. I would really like some ivory scales, even if their broken.

    Hopefully you can repair them an adhesive. No experience working with ivory scales so I'm not going to make any suggestions that might cause you trouble.
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  8. #7
    Senior Member gabrielcr78's Avatar
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    Oh man... if it's ivory.... glue.
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  9. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    G10 can be had in many colors at .030"

    This is a repair exactly like what Shaun/Rez is talking about..

    These scales were cracked much like yours, I used White Epoxy to fix them and attach them to the G10, that made the cracks nearly invisible after they were sanded and shaped.. When pressed the epoxy squeezes up through the cracks

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  11. #9
    JP5 is offline
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    Is the razor with the cracked scale the other razor or the one with the broken scale?
    If it is the other one I would get them both lined by a professional. Ivory isn't getting any cheaper and a having a professional take care of them will save you a lot of frustration and potential disappointment.
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  12. #10
    Senior Member Wightman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    I can see that one of the is broken at the wedge is that the one that shows a hair line crack at the wedge end also. If so I would do as RezDog suggest and line it. Then re pin . once cleaned up and repaired you should have a nice set of razors. If your not comfortable doing this you could try to shop it out to one of the restorers here at the place.
    No unfortunately it's the other scale that has a slight split at the bottom pin. And I think I may have to see of some one here re-pinning and lining/repairing them. I tried drilling out a set of pins yesterday to save the scales un damaged, and it was a bit harder than it would seem. Not major damage as a washer will still cover the bit of damage, but it's hard to dril it perfect without it sliding just the slightest and damaging the scale material. And seeing how these are collarless, I'm assuming even harder to leave the scales un damaged.
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