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  1. #1
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Default Scales, pins, and wapi's, oh my!

    So as I was sitting here, thinking about how I would love to have something a little cooler than black celluloid scales, I had an epiphany: I can make almost anything, so why not scales? Maybe it's just new-guy non-knowledge, but scales seem pretty straight forward. I've only got 2 straights (I don't count the paki), but the scales seem about the same. My question is, are all scales for all razors basically the same size, shape, width, etc?

    I'm just sitting here thinking of all the great materials I could use. Not just wood either. One material I would absolutely love is a carbon fiber set. Woo!!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quick Orange,

    My uncles, who retired from the pattern and die business, at their shop once had me try to break a small, thin carbon fiber part for which they had made the manufacturing dies. I couldn't even get it to flex. It's strong stuff, but they were also hired to drill holes in the parts after they were formed and told me that they were only able to get diamond tooling to work in drilling the three or four small holes each part required. And they mentioned that even diamond didn't last long before the bits had to be replaced.

    Just so you know what may be happening when your HS bits turn to butter trying to make holes in the carbon fiber scales.


  3. #3
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Thanks for the warning, but I'm not a stranger to carbon Before I got here at uni, I spent quite a while working on aircraft composites. I've worked with everything from fiberglass to kevlar, ceramic cloth to carbon, and everything in between. I made a fiberglass and carbon clipboard that could probably knock someone out and not even crack It's definitely some strong stuff. Beyond strength though, it just plain looks cool.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Kyle76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quick Orange View Post
    My question is, are all scales for all razors basically the same size, shape, width, etc?
    The scales on my Dovo Special and the Dovo ebony replacement scales that I ordered from Classic Shaving are almost exactly the same size as those on my 5/8 Wapi's. Custom scales come in a wide variety of shapes and forms as some of the scalemeisters get quite creative.

  5. #5
    Senior Member jscott's Avatar
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    scales are not the same for all razors. no no no

    each blade has a different length, where the pivot hole is drilled etc etc. each set of scales has this hole in some similar spot but not the same for all. some blades are thicker and some thinner. some 4/8 some 8/8 .. not all blades will fit in any set of scales.

    infact out of my recent restorations i've only had 1 blade that i've removed from scales (broke the scales on accident) that will fit into another set of scales i had laying around. all the other blades i've tried to fit into these scales have not worked.

    perhaps some of the newer blades from dovo/ti use the same basic pattern which allows for manufacturer discounts on bulk purchases during production. but if you're doing older blades, i'd be much more cautious of thinking all blades fit all scales; cuz it isn't true


  6. #6
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Thanks J, that's exactly what I was needing to know! Are there any set rules on the closed edge clearance or the curve, or is it just whatever I'm feeling like? I noticed that most razors have that distinct curve in the scales- does that have anything more to do with it than a shaving grip?

  7. #7
    Senior Member johnmw1's Avatar
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    Here's a post with pictures of a carbon fibre restoration done by Toxik not so long ago.


  8. #8
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Mmm buddy, that's hot! I think I'd shape them a little different, but that's definitely something I'd like to do.

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