Quote Originally Posted by criswilson10 View Post
It will clean off pitting, but it will also turn the blade a dull grey color. So sanding is still necessary.
The blade also gets very hot during the process and it may or may not blow the temper on it.
I tried it on a broken, garbage blade and the edge crumbled in my hand afterwards. Lost about 3/16" of inch in width just from electrolysis. Honed back another 1/8" to get to good metal. So a messed up 8/8 became a messed up 5/8 in the end. Luckily it was just an experiment.

So the short version is it's not a good idea to do electrolysis on a razor in my opinion.
Thanks Cris--nothing like hands on experience! :

Was the blade a hollow ground? From your experience 'IF' it was--What are your thoughts about say a near full wedge? Just wondering