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Thread: dubl duck

  1. #1
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    Default dubl duck

    Assuming I win this razor on ebay....

    What kind of process would I need to restore it. I was thinking

    -Buy some maas and rags...What type of cloth is best?
    Maybe some sandpaper and a hone.

    I don't have a dremel type tool so I hope it would not need that.

  2. #2
    Plays with Fire C utz's Avatar
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    There is a WHOLE lot of uncertainty in that razor. Oh, the maker is top-notch, but that razor has seen better days. It's hard to tell what is waterstains (easy fix) and what is rust...and if rust how deep is the pitting. Also, there seems to be some interesting light reflections in the blade, which might suggest a crack in the blade...if this is the case, the blade is dead. No restoration can fix that.

    Best case scenario, minimal rust, hand sanding with fix it all up. All it will cost you is time. Also, kiss that gold wash good bye! However! Gary will be able to 're'goldwash the razor (and probably better gold washing too!!).

    Worse case, deep pitting on a full hollow blade (can't go too deep sanding out those) and a cracked blade (dead razor).....

    It's eBay! You never know....

    Good luck, and keep us posted!

    C utz

  3. #3
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    If you do win and it turns out the blade is shot, I'd like to make an offer on the scales if you were to sell them.

  4. #4
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    I asked the seller about the blade and was assured there were no cracks in the blade.

    What type of sanding progression would you use here?

    320 400,600,800,1000,?? Would that work? When sanding a blade you sand perpendicular to the edge?

  5. #5
    Senior Member Kyle76's Avatar
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    Depends on whether you are dealing with pitting or just discoloration -- how deep does the oxidation go? Start with the highest grit that will remove the oxidation. One strategy is to start sanding in one direction and then go perpendicular to that with the next grit up until you sand out all the scratch lines of the previous grit, and so on. As for cloths, I use old T-shirt pieces. Can't get much softer than that!

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Unless you can get that razor for a song I would pass. Its going to take alot of work to fix. I don't like the looks of the edge and there's alot of rust on that thing. it depends how far down the rust goes and it looks like its near the edge too so that means major work on the edge. These razors come up all the time. I think you can do better.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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