Here is also a great video tutorial by Brad (Undream) on restoration and buffing.

I rarely use Greaseless compound anymore, because it washes out the sharp lines and prefer to hand sand.

Though 600 greaseless is great for cleaning jimps. For Greaseless compound use 2 wheels, so as Brad recommends, one is drying as the other is in use, (Make sure to mark your wheels).

A 600-grit scotch Brite radial wheel can take the place of 600 greaseless for jimps, they are a bit pricy, but last a long time and are performers.

If you are doing a lot of restoration, Radial wheel are the way to go, they also sell smaller radial wheels for Dremel’s for detail work, cheap and super effective, huge time savers.

(Straight Razor Restoration Start to Finish Video Series)