I've got a couple of popsicle sticks stuck together nice and tight. I know I used the wrong washers on the brass end, and that the heads are not perfect, but they hold. I also polished my hammer and anvil because I think that the black marks on the sticks are dirt and not damage.

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So, now that I am getting close to making a razor, I am looking at scales. I have this pair that came with this crack and the chunk missing at the top. I have not done a test with a hot pin, but I think they are some natural material (horn?). They are quite thin. But, either way they are pretty and I think I want to see if I can fix the crack and put them back on the razor. The chunk seems far enough from the pin that I think it will be fine and just give character. Any repair of this chunk is way beyond my skill set at the moment.

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It seems like toothpaste and car polish are the starting point regardless of material. And, it seems that I can fill in the crack (it does go through) with some epoxy and maybe have them solid again.

I am not sure what sort of epoxy would be best, though. I have seen mention of CA glue on here, but I have never used it and it seems to have various options. Thin, medium abrasive, spray activator. So, any advices would be appreciated.

Edit: For eagle eyes out there, there is a bit of scotch tape on the lower scale that is holding the wedge so I don't lose it or get it mixed up with any of the others.