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Thread: Restoration Chat Tuesdays 8:00pm EST

  1. #181
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Smile Tuesday Mar 1st 2011

    About 30 minutes away from the restore chat..

    Try and make it there if you can

  2. #182
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday Mar 8th 2011

    Less than an hour away to the Restore Chat !!!!

    Meet us in the Chat room 8 pm Eastern time... See ya there in a little while, trying to get another application of CA on a set of Cocobolos, and get some sanding done on a set of Horn scales before chat

  3. #183
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday Mar 15th 2011

    Less than 1 hour away from another Restore chat ...

    Meet ya there !!!!

    Still sanding hehehehe

  4. #184
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    Is this chat on for this evening (9/20/2011)? And is it an open chat or by invitation only? Thanks.

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by diyguy View Post
    Is this chat on for this evening (9/20/2011)? And is it an open chat or by invitation only? Thanks.
    Without knowing who will be on for tonight, I'd say it's definitely on

    And yes, it is open for all.
    As I understand it, the whole point is for people to come on and ask questions and discuss resto-related stuff.

    Glen or you other resto-guys, correct me if I am wrong here..
    Lynn likes this.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  6. #186
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Post Time to get back to work :)

    Gentlemen. and fellow restoration junkies, it is time to officially open the Restore Chat back up, the Summer was pretty busy and admittedly I couldn't make most of the Tuesdays.. Things are settling back down into the Fall and Winter routine, so once again let's meet on Tuesday Night 8 pm Eastern Time in the chat room.. Something new I would like to add for those that live in other time zones that make it quite hard to join us live in chat... If you can't make it to chat that night, and have a question that needs addressing, if you could send me a PM, I will post your question during the chat, and you can draw from the combined experience of all the restorers that hang out, to help you with your problem...
    It is my understanding that you can set up the chat channel and actually log the chat... If you have questions on that, either Travis/Logistics or Ben/Slartibartfast who are most often found in chat would be the best people to ask ...

    I hope to see everyone interested, in the Chat Channel Tuesday Oct 4th at 8:00 pm Eastern Time..

  7. #187
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Post Tuesday 10/4/11

    Just another reminder, tonight 8:00 pm Eastern Time in the chat room for the Restore Chat, bring you latest projects, your favorite libation, and pull up a comfy chair, and lets talk about restoring our treasured razors...

    If you can't make it, but will be logging chat and want a question answered, please fire me a pm and I will bring it up in the chat room ..

    Hope to see ya there tonight...

    Me I am heading out to the shop right now to put the finishing touches or a Filarmonica in B&W Ebony what are you working on today ???

  8. #188
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Restore chat starts now in the chat room,, come on in...

  9. #189
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Cool Tuesday Oct 11th 2011

    Restore chat begin at 8:00pm EST come on in and pull up a chair...

    I am loading pics of my latest project you should do the same

    Hope to see ya in the chat room in about 1 1/2 hours...

  10. #190
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Alright it is that time of night, heading to grab a Chivas & Rocks and the to the Restore Chat so hurry up and get in there before I can't type

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