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Thread: Koa wood
02-10-2008, 11:32 PM #1
Koa wood
During the Meet and Greet in Ohio, Topher and Josh were talking about making a razor and putting some Koa wood scales on it. I found some locally and on-line but it is pretty pricey. A 2 3/4" thick piece 6" x 6" square is about $45. If anyone knows where to get it cheaper, let me , JoshEarl or Topher know. I would like one big chunk to saw off some scale blanks to send to JoshEarl and turn the rest into a lather bowl for Topher.
Let us know,
02-10-2008, 11:37 PM #2
I don't know what kind of koa you were looking at, but if it's Hawaiian Koa, it's going to be expensive. It's listed here as an endangered species. Something to do with a alien bug eating all the koa here.
02-11-2008, 02:48 AM #3
That's it exactly. Tophers' ancestry is from there and he grew up with Koa wood everywhere. Something he would like to see on a custom razor/scale project. I figured with the info he gave out, we could help him in getting something he desires.
What does a block like that cost on the island and what is shipping like?
02-11-2008, 06:21 AM #4
Thanks for looking into this. You did a nice job cutting down that bloodwood. My bandsaw is non-operational right now.
02-11-2008, 11:24 AM #5
koa wood
on e-bay go to crafts- turning wood- type in koa wood their you go.
02-11-2008, 03:59 PM #6
getting big chunks of great coloured koa wood isn't a problem. i've looked into it before. my problem was getting a piece that was only 1/8th inch think. i can cut the shape out, but i don't have the saw to cut it to 1/8th inch thick if it started out as like 2 inches thick ..
anyone here that does that?
02-11-2008, 06:25 PM #7
I already have some that is destined for Chris (based on a previous conversation). It should be here in a week or so, then forwarding to him.
Only thing I asked is asked was a set of scales for my Duck blade.....
We'll see how useable it is when it gets here.
02-11-2008, 07:25 PM #8
I think this was for a JoshEarl made razor. I just ordered some and should be getting it in a week. JoshEarl P.M. me with your address and I'll send you some 1/8" blanks
jscott, yes I can do that. I should have enough for a few sets. P.M. your address as well. Iwill try to get all these sets as matchbook sets.