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    Default Brass rod from Speedy Metals

    I'm preparing to do my first (very basic) restoration. You could probably just call it an advanced cleaning. Anyhow, in order to do this I'm trying to acquire the brass washers and rod needed to repin. I ordered the washers from microfasteners, but I'm having a more difficult time with the rod. A lot of people mention hobby shops, but I'm failing to locate any. I live in Boston, so I pretty much assume their must be one near me, but I sure as hell can't find it.

    When I moved my search online, I found this place:

    The prices look pretty nice to me, though shipping is a bear. About $10 to ship 4 twelve inch rods, about $11 to ship 40 twelve inch rods. Has anyone ever dealt with this company? I'm thinking a might just order a fair amount from them. Then I'll never need to find brass rod again. I could also bring some to the Mass get together for others who might be having a hard time getting ahold of it.

  2. #2
    D2T is offline
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    Might also want to check Online Metals. Not sure what their shipping is like, but the cost per ft seems similar.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D2T View Post
    Might also want to check Online Metals. Not sure what their shipping is like, but the cost per ft seems similar.
    I use Online Metals, they are fast and reasonable.

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    Shipping seems to be pretty comparable, but I'm not so keen on the "cut fee" line item. If I want 16x1 foot sections the cut fee is $21. If I get 8x2 foot sections it's a more reasonable $9. Speedy Metals doesn't have any cut fee. Kenrup, do you just order longer pieces to reduce the cut fee?

  5. #5
    Worn To Perfection Rusty Shackleford's Avatar
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    Check some of your local hardware stores too. I get my brass rod and tubing from my local ACE Hardware. They always have it in stock along with various other little goodies that you can use in resto projects.

    I hate ordering from online...when I want something, I usually want it now and don't really want to wait or pay extra for the shipping; especially for something as simple as some brass rod or such. That and the fact that I'd rather give to my local economy. Now if it's a razor or larger purchase...I can wait it out.

    Good luck with your search,

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingOfMalkier View Post
    Shipping seems to be pretty comparable, but I'm not so keen on the "cut fee" line item. If I want 16x1 foot sections the cut fee is $21. If I get 8x2 foot sections it's a more reasonable $9. Speedy Metals doesn't have any cut fee. Kenrup, do you just order longer pieces to reduce the cut fee?
    True, I didn't see that. I've only made one order for brass rod and it was from smallparts (although they're more expensive I think), since I needed washers as well.

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    I've got a nice local hardware store that we bought all our paint and supplies from. I guess I was kind of focused on the hobby shops since that what I've seen a lot on here. I'll try them out on the way home from work and if I strike out there I think I'm going to give SpeedyMetals a try. Avoiding the shipping costs would be great though, so I'm hoping the local place has it.

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