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Thread: New Idea??? Experimentation....

  1. #241
    Searching for the Frameback ragnost's Avatar
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    Default rip of Britain

    I found a Midway dealer in the UK about 10m from where I live finally got there last weekend I refused to buy the tumbler

    Dealer Midway UK
    £97.00 £42.34 Tumbler

    £39.60 £21.83 Corn Cob

    £00.00 £8.85 Carriage

    £136.00 £73.02 Total

    So I am sat waiting for a delivery from Midway UK (should arrive about the same time as the 3 Boker’s from e-bay so guess what’s going in) don’t know if all dealers jack up their prices to the same extent as far as I could see all of the tumbler’s he had Lyman etc where all over double the price of going direct so if you want a tumbler in the UK try going direct it may mean opening an account, other way is if you have family or friends state side get them to get it for you then ship it over not an option for me don’t know anyone over there

  2. #242
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOB9595 View Post
    Glen, anything happening here?
    NO!!!!!! Nothing worth using, the razor promptly clogged full of media and took about 30 minutes with a nylon brush to clear out....
    This was a no joy situation...

  3. #243
    Senior Member Aurora Borealis's Avatar
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    Added 2 teaspoons of the green CO to the mix and am having better results and more of a mirror finish. It may sound a bit odd but it's working.

  4. #244
    Member Iron_Beard's Avatar
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    Question Polishing/rust removing resin media from Harbor Freight

    Has anyone tried this media? It is green like CrOx and I was wondering if it was of any value beyond the walnut shells.

    Harbor Freight
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  5. #245
    D2T is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Beard View Post
    Has anyone tried this media? It is green like CrOx and I was wondering if it was of any value beyond the walnut shells.

    Harbor Freight
    It looks very similar to some media I picked up from Rio Grande. Overall it worked pretty well after adding some water in to get things moving a little better. In retrospect I'd would probably have used mineral oil or something like that instead of water because water caused a lot of staining on the blade.

    Even with the water it is quite a bit louder than corncob or walnut.

  6. #246
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    Was it worth the extra noise or does it work only as effectively as the walnut?

  7. #247
    D2T is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Beard View Post

    Was it worth the extra noise or does it work only as effectively as the walnut?
    Sorry, haven't been around in a while. I wouldn't normally bring a thread back after so much time, but since the question was left to me...

    The pyramid media did work a lot faster than the walnut and gave an extremely uniform frosted (best word I can come up with) smooth finish. I probably should've paid more attention to see if there was appreciable wear to the edge, but at a casual glance it didn't look like it was worn down much. No big nicks or anything.

    I would consider using it again, but it is very loud compared to the slower alternatives.

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  9. #248
    Senior Member timberrr59's Avatar
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    Default Blade Protection

    Is it possible to sleeve a piece of PVC tubing over the all thread bolt to protect the blades? I think ACE Hardware Stores have some smaller diameter tubing. A stainless tube from an industrial or automotive supply store would be best. Coppper tubing might wear away in time. It would really shine up for sure!

  10. #249
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    Default pet store media

    Has anyone experimented with the pet store walnut and/or cob to determine whether the larger media usually found at pet stores makes any difference in the result as compared to the media purchased from reloading suppliers?

  11. #250
    Senior Member Lancer's Avatar
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    Oh wow...

    I've just spent the last 4 hours carefully reading through this thread and I have to say it is one of the most informative and enlightening reads I've had on the restoration of razors.

    As soon as I am able I will be getting myself a tumbler and some media (sourcing it should be an experience in it's self down here in Australia).

    I hope, with the information provided here, to kiss good bye to sore fingers and arthritic joints on future projects.

    I will try and keep you all up to date on any finds I might make.

    A full list of suppliers in Australia will be provided for any locals that may be interested.

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