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  1. #1
    senior member Zomax's Avatar
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    Default Help..Blade stains and pressed horn care

    First.. I am sure that some of you have worked on getting stains out of a blade with Maas and a buffer. And after a while, it looks pretty good. Then after a day or so, the stains come right back up to the surface. Besides sandpaper, does anyone have a magic bullet for removing stains on carbon steel?

    Second.. I have a couple pressed horn razors and cannot get the horn conditioned to the point where it looks shiny/healthy. Now this is old horn and it's not black which would be easier. I've tried Mothers. Maas, bees wax, and experimented with others. Not happy with anything so far. Any suggestions??? (I'll enclose a pic so you can see what I mean)

    Thanks everyone!
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  2. #2
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    For the scales, have you tried any oils such as neat's foot (I've never used it, only heard about it) or even mineral?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    What I have used is MAAS with a toothbrush to clean out the pressed design. My best results came with carnuba wax on a 1 1/2" muslin well on a Dremel. This is one that I recently did on a W&B Celebrated Hollow Ground 8/8 heavy barbers. I don't have a before picture, but it was pretty ragged.

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