For air filtration, the only things I own are those cannister VOC rubber masks that go over the nose and mouth and are fixed by the elastic straps. A huge step above disposable IMO worthless white paper masks. It helps shaving with a straight (BBS) since I can get a perfect seal on my face with the cannister masks, but the longer I have them on the less comfortable they are. Sometimes the red marks/indents on my face stick around for quite a bit after I'm done working with one on. preparation for finishing my 2"x72" grinder soon and kicking up the workshop and grinding/sanding a few notches, I want something better that won't break the bank in air filtration.

I know there are those battery operated respirators with a face shield, but that's all I know.

Please help with any suggestions and links for a comfortable and effective filtration system. I'll of course be sanding and grinding.

Thanks guys.

Chris L