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  1. #1
    Dude With Blades davisbonanza's Avatar
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    Default Dremel questions

    Does anyone here have one of the Dremel Stylus tools? I am looking at one of these on flea bay and they look pretty cool and handy. I am a lefty and I can't tell from any of the pictures if they would work in the left hand. If anyone could answer this I would appreciate it. I am thinking of spending some of my "razor allowance" on a dremel of some sort as I would really like to get into some restorations. I guess another question is are the dremel tools going to make the projects alot easier?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Dude With Blades davisbonanza's Avatar
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    I just went to the home depot and checked one out in person and they are exactly the same on both sides. I will try to find some product reviews on this particular model but would still welcome feedback on dremels in general.

  3. #3
    Senior Member CactusBob's Avatar
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    A lot depends on what you are using it for. On a straight razor it can be a very fast and efficient way to destroy a blade. You have to be careful of which way the rotation is going. If it goes into the edge it can chip the blade in a hurry. There are quite a few folks that use them here on SRP with good luck you just have to be careful. Some use them for complete blade restores, others for just polishing, others for just scale work. They are a lot quicker than hand sanding. Do a search on Dremel on the forum and I am sure you will find hours of reading material.


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  5. #4
    Thread Killer shuredgefan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davisbonanza View Post
    I am a lefty and I can't tell from any of the pictures if they would work in the left hand. If anyone could answer this I would appreciate it.

    If you like to have the bit spinning away from you when working a blade you're in luck, if you hold a Dremel pointed up at your face the bit spins counter (anti) clockwise.

    Although I'm right-handed, I use my Dremel in my left hand most of the time.

    The Dremel, like the Colt Peacemaker, seems to have been designed for lefties.

  6. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When it really comes down to it there almost nothing you can do with the old fashioned manual method you can do better with a dremmel. It will save you time alright but you have to be really careful with them. If you do decide to get one use ear protection and very good eye protection because if you hit the edge of a blade the shard of metal will move at warp speed towards your eyes.
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