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  1. #1
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    Default I can't believe I warped my old scales

    After essentially finishing cleaning up a nice old razor, I was briefly (like 45 seconds) soaking the blade in boiled water just to get the maas off, and soaked the end of the old very very thin wooden (I think) scales, and they bloody warped. One side curled so that when I close the blade it would hit the scale rather than go down the middle. I jammed a pocket knife blade between the curled side of the scale and the blade overnight, and this was enough to allow me to close the razor, but if I don't do it just right I bang the blade on the scale, which is no good after spending lots of time honing it.

    The scales were too fragile anyway, but they had a very cool bear with a staff carving, so I was keeping them even though the functionality would be better with heavier scales.

    Is there an easy way to unwarp the scale or am I hosed? I wonder if pulling the pins out and putting something heavy on each side of the scale might actually do it.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Navaja's Avatar
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    Disclaimer: I'm not a woodworker or have any experience.

    I'd disassemble the scales, get them wet, and then let them dry with a heavy object on top to keep them flat.

    If this wouldn't work, I'd just buy the bullet and get some nice scales and replace them. JMMV

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Navaja For This Useful Post:

    loueedacat (08-31-2008)

  4. #3
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    Since you say they are fragile I hate to suggest too much and have them break on ya.

    I've soaked several wooden scabbards to "unadhesivefy" them and geewiz they go crazy warped; but over the over the course of a week or so they return, more or less, to their dry state.

    Waiting may do it.

    If not there's a couple other good ideas I have

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevint View Post
    Since you say they are fragile I hate to suggest too much and have them break on ya.

    I've soaked several wooden scabbards to "unadhesivefy" them and geewiz they go crazy warped; but over the over the course of a week or so they return, more or less, to their dry state.

    Waiting may do it.

    If not there's a couple other good ideas I have
    that's enocouraging that just waiting may do it.

    the stinker seems to have shrunk just a liitle too, as the razor now rubs the spacer when I close it. And I finally just got the blade right dang it! but hopefully just waiting will get it done.

  6. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Lucky you.
    Now you get to learn how to re-scale a razor!

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Lucky you.
    Now you get to learn how to re-scale a razor!
    I know. This razor at least seems to be allowing me to make every mistake in one fell blow.

  8. #7
    Senior Member Ditch Doc's Avatar
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    That makes me think of some horn scales I took apart, left out on the counter, and the next day they were warped into U shapes. I dipped them in boiling water for about 15 sec and then placed them between sheets of balsa and clamped it all over night. Worked for me.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Ditch Doc For This Useful Post:

    loueedacat (09-02-2008)

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