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Thread: Illustrated Guide to Fixing Warped Scales..

  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Illustrated Guide to Fixing Warped Scales..

    OK I am starting this thread today, As the scales are straight now!!!

    I started with a Dubl Duck Wonderedge with severely warped scales, This is one time I have to mention the owner as he was nice enough to let me experiment on his Wonderedge Thank You.... RayG !!!
    We talked about what to do on this one as the blade is in great shape but the scales were shot...Ray and I decided that I could experiment with straightening these and if they were destroyed I would make him a set out of Ebony and do the inlays like Floppyshoes and I did in the Reaper thread....
    The problem with straightening scales has always been the hit or miss heating and bending of the scales. I was looking for a way to eliminate that guess work and come up with a sure fire way of doing it....

    The beginning, the razor looks good from this angle...
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    When the razor is turned at this angle the problem is obvious:
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    The razor broken down and ready for repair:
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    The trick has always been to heat the scales and re-bend them, the problem was burning the crap outta yer fingers while trying to get the bends right...Usually ending up with worse warps than you started with...
    Boiling water or steam has always been the safest way, but how to keep the razor hot and fingers not???

    I built a Jig for this out of wood, and adjustable pins..... I drilled the holes through the razor and the wood so that when the pins were tightened the scales would be held straight... I used the #0 wide washers to spread the force, and the hex heads, so I could tighten them easy with the wrenches...
    Dipping the jig with the scales attached loosely then waiting about 15 seconds the scales become flexible, I tightened the pins a little, then re-dipped and re-tightened until the scales were straightened out...
    Then I put them in the fridge for about 15 minutes then took the pins off and the scales are "almost" dead straight....

    The process:
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    The good news is that it works!!! YEAH !!!!
    Here are some things I would change...

    Make the jig out of metal not wood, attach a handle or wire to lift it in and out of the pot...
    Use distilled water, the white coating is from our well water I think, or the wood itself...
    When scales are this warped there are normally other problems, if you look close there are some tiny pressure cracks right by the center pin hole that I am going to have to be very careful with when I re-pin this razor, so I am not out of the woods yet on this one.....

    Keep in mind that this is the first try at this technique, so go slow and careful when you try it... and keep us informed with your success's and failures!!!!!

    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-03-2008 at 08:53 PM.

  2. The Following 31 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    badboris (01-10-2009), BigBubba (11-03-2008), bpave777 (11-10-2008), Carlos (11-05-2008), Chevhead (01-15-2014), Chreees (07-28-2013), DFriedl (06-02-2012), dooey (09-19-2014), ErreHache (08-10-2012), Exile (06-16-2011), FloorPizza (11-12-2008), Geezer (07-29-2010), gounthar (11-25-2008), jeremycarriveau (05-27-2010), JimmyHAD (11-03-2008), jmercer (03-06-2015), joke1176 (11-04-2008), macrob (03-05-2015), MW76 (02-24-2016), nurse42312 (11-03-2008), PhatMan (04-10-2011), Philadelph (11-03-2008), Quagmire53 (01-03-2014), recon (02-16-2009), Slawman (01-14-2017), Splashone (09-27-2013), Sticky (01-10-2009), stimpy52 (10-11-2009), timberrr59 (11-04-2008), xiaotuzi (01-12-2018), Zephyr (12-16-2011)

  3. #2
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    Two questions: Should the water be boiling when you dip? Your picture makes it look like it should NOT be... Also, should you leave them submerged for 15 seconds or is it 15 seconds between dips? Thanks!

  4. #3
    "Mister Nip n Tuck" ;) BigBubba's Avatar
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    Wow Glen! Thanks for this and all of the other tricks that you post here!

    I'm going to be trying this soon now.

    It still amazes me that you keep posting how-to's to help out the self-restorers out there. I hope this info ends up in the wiki.

  5. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Yes the water was boiling just not rapidly....
    I dipped them for 15 pulled them out re-dipped for 15 and finished tightening

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth spazola's Avatar
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    I wonder what denatured alcohol would do to the white n the scales?

    Great post.


  7. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spazola View Post

    I wonder what denatured alcohol would do to the white n the scales?

    Great post.

    MAAS took it right off...and a little elbow grease
    MW76 likes this.

  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Brilliant, Glen! And thanks a TON for sharing this! That's so cool. You're very generous in how you share your info.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
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  9. #8
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    You da man, Glen.

    I stopped breathing for a sec when I saw that stress crack in the photo. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  10. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RayG View Post
    You da man, Glen.

    I stopped breathing for a sec when I saw that stress crack in the photo. Keeping my fingers crossed!
    You and me both Ray, and thanks again for letting me mess with yer razor

  11. #10
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    Really useful thread, Glen. Many, many thanks.


  12. The Following User Says Thank You to nurse42312 For This Useful Post:

    thunderman (09-23-2012)

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