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Thread: Alternative pins?

  1. #1
    Junior Member jangles's Avatar
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    Default Alternative pins?

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and I was wondering what are people using besides the brass pins? I've seen some pictures of what appears to phillips and allen head screws? Where do you buy these? Also, if I do use the brass and washers where is a good place to buy those? Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
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    If you do a search for pins you should find that this question has been answered many times. Some postings give very precise sizes and internet sites.

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Here is the Wiki link to a thread that Alex did.. follow that to the actual thread for even more details....

    Adjustable Pins aka Microfasteners - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    Also if you Google "Knife Making Supplies" you will find even more stuff that might work...

  4. #4
    Senior Member rsrick's Avatar
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    If orderiing from Micro Fasteners ....

    For the pins, you can go with either:
    HBB0008 (0-80 x 1/2") or HBB0012 (0-80 x 3/4") I bought the 3/4" to give plenty of flexibility in total thickness of scales plus tang. (

    HNBS0080 (0-80; 3/32 head thickness) (

    FWB00 (#00) and FWB0 (#0) if you want stacked look ( Good purchase even if you decide to go with making your own pins from solid rod ... I had a hell of a time trying to find very small washers in Halifax.

    They also have nylon washers that you can use for pivots if desired.

    Good idea to buy the "wrench" they have - makes it much easier to tighten the nuts (WR0).


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  6. #5
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    You can buy barrel pivots, screws, and washers from Tracy Mickley at USA Knife Supply. He's a good guy and his prices are very reasonable.

  7. #6
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisMeyer View Post
    You can buy barrel pivots, screws, and washers from Tracy Mickley at USA Knife Supply. He's a good guy and his prices are very reasonable.
    FWIW if you want to go this route you need your pivot to be an 1/8" round hole at the very least. Straight across too since you definitely don't want a crooked barrel. Just be prepared for disappointment when you find your pivot to be too small and you lack the means to change that.

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philadelph View Post
    Just be prepared for disappointment when you find your pivot to be too small and you lack the means to change that.
    The last two that I worked on had pivot holes larger than 1/8", but the holes were oval shaped and not square to the tang. However, since the tangs are relatively soft, it was not difficult to re-drill them. I used a carbide drill bit, but a carbon steel drill would probably have worked. I do agree that you need a drill press at least, to keep the hole square.

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth spazola's Avatar
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    I have enlarged tang holes using regular HSS drill bits. I have also filed a hole larger with a needle file. There a lots of ways to get things done. You could probably enlarge the hole with a nail and valve grinding compound if you did not have a carbide bit.

    I do not sweat about the hole's axis perpendicular to the length of the blade, as long there is some slop/clearance the blades centering will be regulated by scales pressing on the sides of the tang.

    Last edited by spazola; 01-09-2009 at 04:31 AM.

  10. #9
    Cream Huffer
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    You can check out your local hobby store for small fasteners like this. The model train folk use them a lot. Usually it is about $3 for a pack of 5 (bolts, nuts, or washers) so the price is much more than ordering from microfastners, but if you are only doing 1 or 2 razors......

    But really, who only does 1 or 2 razors. Plus, good luck finding them if you drop something.

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