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  1. #1
    Senior Member Truckman's Avatar
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    Default Have I Bungled This Blade?

    In my traditional fashion, I jumped right into restoration without, well, without knowing a damn thing about it.

    Note the staining in the first picture. Note the scratches in the second picture (upper left corner of the blade). Those scratches are from 100 grit in an attempt to remove the staining. There are also the same scratches on the stain in the top center of the blade, they just didn't come out in the picture due to the flash. Do I just need to stay at it and the stains will eventually come out? Then move up in grit? Haha, send it to a pro? That's probably what I should do. Is there any way to remove the staining over the etching without harming the etching? Where do I go from here? Thanks everyone for your help.

  2. #2
    Cream Huffer
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    You are probably fine, but are going to have to make a decision about that etch. Usually it comes down to keep the etch or remove the stains. Unless the etch is super deep or the stain very light, you usually can not have both a shiny blade with the etch.

    Maybe try a 1000 grit paper over the etch, maybe you can take enough stain out to satisfy yourself without removing too much etch.

  3. #3
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Wow, I think you shouldve just tried polish to remove the spotting and then tried something stronger if that didnt work, its going to be tough to get that sanded area back into shape without sanding the whole thing down.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  4. #4
    Senior Member Truckman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    Wow, I think you shouldve just tried polish to remove the spotting and then tried something stronger if that didnt work, its going to be tough to get that sanded area back into shape without sanding the whole thing down.
    I had tried Maas initially. All that did was make the blade shine more. It really brightened and cleaned it up, but did nothing for the staining.

    I just mailed it to a buddy of mine. He has a tumbler with RCBS formula 1 and 2 (walnut and corn cob) and is willing to throw it in to see if it does anything.

    I feel like such an for ruining such a cool looking blade.

    Lesson learned. Maybe I can save the next one.

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