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  1. #1
    Cream Huffer
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    Default Tips for shaping/sizing the spacer

    I am working on a new set of scales for a Frederck Reynolds and decided to use purpleheart. So far things are going well, blade is in the tumbler and basic shape of the scales has been decided on.

    I was going to use CA to finish.

    SWMBO wants me to use a purpleheart spacer. I'm willing to humor her (I know what is good for me).

    The question I have is about final fitting and shaping of the spacer. I would normally finish the scales to the appropriate amount of shininess, then work with an oversized spacer. Once the scales are pinned I then shape the spacer, being careful to not remove any of the finish from the scales.

    With the method I just documented I don't see how I can finish the spacer ahead of time and keep the finish. I also don't understand how I can appropriately size the spacer before pinning, since normally the application of the finish to the scales puts everything out just a little, forcing some tweaking of the spacer size/shape.

    I could run a coat or two of CA on the inside of the scales and then glue in the spacer and treat it like a one piece set of scales. Not sure if that would be looked upon as cheating though.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Senior Member kenneyty's Avatar
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    Who cares if it's cheating...whatever works, I say.

    I'm having the exact same issue on my restore so I'll be paying close attention here. I had been planning on using the original pewter wegde that came with the razor, but there's not enough flex in my new scales to make that work. I have a polished CA finish, but will have to start over on the spacer. Have you actually pulled off this finish-then make the spacer method that you're talking about? I have doubts I'll be able to do it without having to refinish the scales at one end.

  3. #3
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    no such thing as cheating as far as this goes... it's all about coming up with creative methods to accomplish your vision! I say go for it.

  4. #4
    Cream Huffer
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    I did finish some claro walnut scales and then affixed a black canvas micarta wedge. Then spent a lot of time carefully sanding the wedge into shape.


    Not sure if you can tell from the attached pic, but there is still a little gap for your fingernail to catch on between the spacer and the scales. I would like to get rid of that with the next set of scales if possible.
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    Last edited by dnjrboy; 03-05-2009 at 10:06 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    Cant tell, is it not tall enough, or non flat seam?

    Gluing 1/2 seems cool.

    another brilliant solution(not me). threaded fastners.

    or lay the scale on top /knife mark it/ shape

  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Fit, then refit, then finish....

    Illustrated Guide to Restoring a Straight Razor - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    Adjustable pins are worth their weight in gold for doing this right....

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