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  1. #1
    Member Spatterdash's Avatar
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    Default Decorating Plastic Scales

    Caveat - I've haven't even purchased my first straight, but I'm commited to learning one and will soon be making a purchase.

    As a new guy, you can't help looking at some of the vintage razors with those nice decorative scales. You see florals and vinework, cameos and women with wind-swept hair, bamboo stalks and repititive patterns and you can't help but admire the beauty of the things, an element sadly missing from todays utilitarian items.

    While looking at these, I spotted the basic plastic scales for restoration that can be purchased from and suddenly I had me a thought...

    Anyone ever decorate a set of plastic scales?

    It seems to me with a Dremel on a slow speed, a small butane torch for smoothing (maybe, or maybe it's not needed) and a bottle of plastic polish, you could really get artistic with todays razors. I've seen engraving on bone, horn, plastics & acrylics, wood, glass and resin done with a Dremel, really nice intricate stuff. I'm beginning to to wonder why I shouldn't buy a cheap set of plastic scales and give it a whirl, though I've never worked in plastic before. I know it melts pretty easily and you have to go slow, but I've seen finished pieces, so I know it's plausible, just no idea how I'd do it or what I'd need.

    Anyone ever do this?

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Search out a member named Vlad and take a look at some of his old posts, the man is a true artist...
    I only wish I was that artistic, if you have that talent, with patience and some ability I am sure you can do it...

  3. #3
    Member Spatterdash's Avatar
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    I appreciate it, gssixgun, but searching for posts by user name vlad turned up an "Invalid Member" message - no hits.

    I'll keep sifting through the archives of Restoration, though. There is some amazing talent on this board.

  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Straight Razor Place Forums - View Profile: vladsch

    Sorry forgot the "sch"

    hit the "show all statistics" link on his page that will bring up all his old posts and threads.....

  5. #5
    Member Spatterdash's Avatar
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    Got it. Most appreciated.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Most of those fancy scales were celluloid and its properties made it ideal for either pressing or forming I don't know which. To do something like that with plastic unless your going to use the right kind where you could start with a liquid and create a mold you would have to hand carve it. You could hand carve bone and Ivory though.
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