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  1. #11
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Going back to Sham's original question here,
    Here is what I have found to be true as to most common to least common

    The pivot ends of the scales are simply not evened up

    the wedge end of the scales are not evened up

    The razor is mis-ground

    The easiest way to fix/avoid this is to put you scales back together the same way you tighten screws/bolts.... Way back when you were taught to not tighten one screw or bolt before getting them all started, then to tighten evenly.. Well the same thing applies to putting scales on a razor, you set the wedge, but you do not tighten it in, before you even set the wedge, if you put an adjustable pin through the pivot hole with a mock up tang, then set the wedge this will really help to keep things straight, then you loose set the canter pin if applicable, then finally set the pivot, once they are all loose set, than you start at the wedge end and tighten them in with the blade in the closed position holding it with your fingers in a center position, yeah this takes some practice.... If you do it this way you eliminate the flexing problem and it should set the scales straight and even....
    Now assuming that you didn't bend a pin the only other thing that can set you off, is a uneven tang/razor... if you get in the habit of using a 5/64 bit instead of a 1/8 then two things happen, one your chances of getting a pressure split on the scales goes way down, and two that tiny bit of play will allow you to adjust in, all but the worst of bends....
    Last edited by gssixgun; 05-02-2009 at 01:37 PM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Default centered

    Quote Originally Posted by smythe View Post

    Ever de-pin a razor, and made new scales for it, only to discover the blade has a warp and won't center in the new scales?... but you remember, somehow the blade centered in original scales.
    This is the exact problem i have. holes looks ok .level etc. don't know why?
    Last edited by hi_bud_gl; 05-02-2009 at 01:36 PM.

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