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  1. #1
    Junior Member fatpanda's Avatar
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    Default Dremel 4.8V Cordless = Garbage

    Just bought a cheap $20 cordless Dremel 4.8V model 754-04 cordless, and battery won't hold a charge for more than 10 minutes. I remember seeing an earlier thread on this but I thought I would just say this again incase someone was is thinking about getting a cordless dremel... DO NOT... Garbage! returning it later today!

  2. #2
    Senior Member singlewedge's Avatar
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    I have an old 10 years, rechargeable. I love it except that for hardcore grinding it does not last.

    I is finally dying. The motor is going out.

    So I gotta get a new one.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    electric ones a lot better with different speed,i bought 2 more of them ,i liked so much

  4. #4
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I have the same one. it is only good for polishing.

    I picked up a Black and Decker RTX for everything else

  5. #5
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    can hardly believe my luck today. this morning i drove to home depot and checked out their dremels . . . $64 was cheapest i could find. dropped by walmart on way home . . . they had the afore-mentioned Dremel 4.8V model 754-04 cordless model for $22.77 . . . so i picked one up.

    afterward, came home and looked at Straight Razor Place . . . according to member fatpanda's and slartibartfast's recommendations . . . i decided to bring it back to walmart and get the Black and Decker RTX . . . price listed was $27.44.

    got to the counter . . . the rtx must be on sale . . . cashier rung up $9.00 . . . comes with storage case / sachel and 16 tool-bits. not to mention . . . the above dremel offered a scant 10k-rpm . . . this rtx offers maximum of 30k-rpm.

    must be lucky day for me . . . thanks for all your input, folks . . . regards to all.

    p.s. oh yeah . . . the reason i needed the tool is 'cause the relay for my fridge's compressor fried / burnt . . . causing the plastic as well as solder to melt onto one of the protuding terminals. already tried box-cutter as well as butane lighter. am hopin' this rotary tool will take care of my problem.
    Last edited by pnamajck; 10-18-2009 at 05:48 PM.

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