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  1. #1
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    Default My first project.

    Well, here I go! My first project. I've been doing stuff like this for years. As a hobby I refinish firearms and pretty much exclusively use KG Gunkote. Some of my stuff can be seen here. Keep in mind, the camo G19 was shot with a little point and shoot in a buddies kitchen. I never did get good shots of it before I traded it for a PM9.

    KG Gunkote pictures by toothlesrooster - Photobucket

    I also do some amature photography. I shot this blade in a quick, makeshift (5 minute) light box. I have a nicer set up I made, but it's all broken down and stored. I need to get it out since I've gotten the new D90 in.

    Here it is. A J. Wonstenholm & Son EBRO wedge.
    Scales are shot and it's got some nicks in the blade. Some pitting and a little rust. But I thought, if I'm going to do it, I may as well restore something I want to keep. The blade first, then the scales. Wish me luck! I'm getting ready to put it into my tumbler as I type this.

  2. #2
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    That's really a great looking project! Awesome blade too once restored...

    Please keep us updated in the same thread with your progress with lots of pics and info.

    Thanks for sharing.

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    tough task good luck. i know you will need a lot sanding. Please keep us updated.

  4. #4
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    I will definately keep this thread updated. It's been in the tumbler for just under 24 hours and it's cleaning up pretty nicely. I doubt I'll remove all of the pitting as it adds a little character, as long as it doesn't affect shaveability. I'm stoked! I'm looking for the perfect wood for the perfect scales now. This stuff is too much fun.

  5. #5
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Black walnut would look good! But then so would Birdseye maple and......
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  6. #6
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    ...and you should incorporate that brass into the scales!

    Have fun with your project. It certainly has great potential.

  7. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Cool another Gunnut!!!!!!

    You will find that many of the same skill set crosses over from gunsmithing to the razors, so do a lot of the tools and tricks of the trades....

    Will be checking back in to see how this is coming......

  8. #8
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    Thanks for the encouragement guys! Nun2Sharp, I was thinking birdseye maple with silver inlay. I've really been wanting to give inlaying a try. I definately have plans, let's see how they work out.

    gssixgun, I'm definately a certified gun nut! In fact, it's hard to decide where to put money, guns or razors! I have enough guns to hold me over for now. Though it's getting hard to resist!

    Over the years I have aquired RAD, EBRD and PAD! For those of you who aren't gun nuts, EBRD and PAD are "Evil Black Rifle Disease" and "Pistol aquasition Disease".

  9. #9
    Member RollTideMach's Avatar
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    cutting the base off of one of the 9mm casings and inlaying it into the center of one of the scales would look pretty sweet.

  10. #10
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    I just thought I'd update the progress of this project. I knew I wouldn't get all of the pitting out, but honestly I think it adds a little character to such an old blade. It's turning out quite nicely though.

    After 48 hours of tumbling to get rust off.

    After sanding with 80 and 120 grit.

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