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  1. #1
    Ex-Homo cartdrigius barnabeflores's Avatar
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    Default Restoring this blade!

    Hello! I snatched this one up from the bay...will need to restore it, obviously (it will be fun!) :Joseph Elliot Silver Steel Straight Razor Green Hndle - eBay (item 220454776270 end time Jul-26-09 13:54:34 PDT)

    I just bought a dremel, and would like to know if, after some sanding - due to some heavy rust - I can use this to the polishing fase:Polishing wheels for Dremel:set of 3 grits - eBay (item 320391614080 end time Aug-28-09 18:35:46 PDT)

    Thank you!


  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    That looks like it will come out to be a great restore....

    The only issue I see that needs to be checked first before you invest a ton of time is the edge....
    It looks (In the pic which is never a great way to tell) that the worst of the corrosion is right on the edge, if that is true, try this first...

    On a 1k or less stone (use 800 grit sandpaper if you MUST) tape the spine and do 10-15 laps and then look at the edge under magnification... Make sure you have bright clean steel...

    If you use sandpaper Wet-r-dry from about 220-2500 you are going to get a near perfect satin finish use an oil as a lube after sanding dry with each grit I use wd-40....
    Above the 2500 you can polish it out using a Dremel with felt polishing wheels and metal polishing compound, I personally have never advocated the use of a Dremel on razors but that is your choice.... I have never used nor would use the polishing wheels that you linked....

  3. #3
    Senior Member singlewedge's Avatar
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    I have never used those wheels on a dremel. I have used a felt wheel with the dremel white polish and that came out great.

    Heat is a BIG issue with a dremel. Make sure you keep a finger on the blade to be sure that you do not over heat the blade.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    what above said is true you better be careful.

    keep your finger on the bottom of the blade in this case you can feel the heat and have water with ice close .

  5. #5
    Ex-Homo cartdrigius barnabeflores's Avatar
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    Just received the razor.

    Yep! The edge is in bad shape. It used to be a 6/8 for sure, but it has a light frown, will have to bread knife it and it will problably end up a 5/8. The scales are nice and tight, and it seems a really good kind of steel.

    Will sand it up and polish it with felt. I am going to enjoy this one

    Last edited by barnabeflores; 07-31-2009 at 03:34 PM.

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