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  1. #1
    Gun Runner & Chaser of Pirates Tolly's Avatar
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    Default First Timer Needing Tips on Cleaning my Duck

    Howdy fellas,

    As some of you may have seen in another thread, I managed to pick up my very first straight razor yesterday at an estate sale. My question to you boys is, what are the necessary steps for a thorough cleaning?

    Should I try to disassemble the razor and just clean it with a mild detergent and nylon brush like I do old pocket knives, or should I not try to take it apart and just use hot soapy water and a small nylon brush/toothbrush? Also, what do most of y'all use on the blade as far as polishing it, and the other embellisments on the scales?

    Here is a picture of the razor I picked up yesterday...sorry for the poor quality pics.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Deryan's Avatar
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    IMO for just a "cleaning" you could take the mild detergent and soft brush(toothbrush) and thin cloth to get in between the scales route. ( make sure to oil the pins again after and a light oil on the blade for keeping). also IMO if you were to "dismantle" it for a cleaning (unless your fluent with repining scales) you may be taking a chance running into a issue taking the pins out.(scratches,cracks etc...Murphy's Law.)

  3. #3
    Beard growth challenged
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    I'd say this is in perfect condition!
    I'd give the ends and the inside of the handle a brush with warm water and dish washing liquid and then its good to go.
    Additionally using some barbicide on the blade if you want it sterile.

  4. #4
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    Ohhh, so that's why everybody hates you.

  5. #5
    Gun Runner & Chaser of Pirates Tolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whiggamore View Post
    Ohhh, so that's why everybody hates you.
    Did I over pay at $25?

    On a serious note, whats the best thing to use to polish up the gold "stainless" writing and designs?

  6. #6
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Glen will most definitely hate you now. hahaha. It's one of his 'to acquire' razors.

    Don't mess to much with the razor. Use some maas polish and for the pivot area use some flossing or sewing thread. That works really well. You could also use a toothbrush but only to scrub between the pivot area. Q-Tips are also a big help.

    The bolsters of the scales, same thing. Use Maas and a cotton cloth. Basically Maas will help you clean the whole razor without going overboard.

    Stay away from using anything abbrasive that might scratch the steel. Use a cotton rag or cloth.

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  7. #7
    Senior Member smythe's Avatar
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    Hmmm... I see nothing wrong with that razor, it is stainless steel and doesn't tarnish easily... may simply need disinfecting and a touch-up on the hone... nothing more.

    It is highly collectible and probably very rare, if you go disassembling or deep cleaning its value will be greatly reduced.

    Beautiful razor.

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